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Draft and final states


If the workflow has a final state, the workflow will treat the final state version of content differently to other state versions.

The final state will be the published content, when the content is in any other state in the workflow the content will be treated as draft content

  • by default, users with View-only permissionn will only see the most recently published version â€“ they can't see draft versions
  • users who have Edit or Admin permission can see all versions, and easily switch between the latest published (final) and draft versions

Content byline

If both published and draft versions are available, you will see an additional link, in parentheses, on the content byline

The link with the circle (in the example above,  Initial, is the version you are currently viewing.

The link in brackets (in the example above, Published) will take you to the alternate version of the page.

In the published (final) state, the status bar will also display an additional link if there is content being edited in a draft state.