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Space publishing configuration set-up tool


The Configure Publishing setup tool is used by a space administrator to help setup the publishing configuration for the current space.

The Configure Publishing setup option is only available if a space is not yet configured for publishing.

The Configure Publishing setup option is displayed in the space settings publishing dashboard.

Configure Publishing setup tool

In the space settings publishing dashboard

  • choose the Configure Publishing button to open the configuration setup tool

The displayed Configure Publishing dialog box requires the addition of the target space for publishing.

  • select the target space for publishing from the dropdown menu

  • choose Next

The named target space that the current space (the source space) will publish to is confirmed in the Configure Publishing dialog box.

You can choose to either

Review the Configuration

This option displays the current publishing configuration for the current space (as a source space for publishing).

Choose the Review the Configuration button to close the dialog box and display the publishing configuration in the space publishing dashboard.

The pages in the space are not yet published.

Further publishing configuration in the publishing dashboard includes

To publish all the pages in the space

  • choose Publish space

Publish the Source Space

The Publish the Source Space option publishes all the pages in the space to the added target space.

A progress bar displays the publishing progress. On completion, a publishing report is displayed.

  • choose Back to return to the space publishing dashboard

A short summary of the last successful whole space publish is displayed in Space publishing in the publishing dashboard.

Clearing publishing configuration

The publishing configuration can be cleared from a source space and unlink the target space using the Clear Publishing option in the ellipsis menu in the space publishing dashboard.

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