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Page changes and change in publishing status

Publishing byline status and page changes

A source space page and the target space published page will remain in sync until a user action triggers an Atlassian page update event.

User actions on a published and synced page

The following user actions on a published page in either the source or target space affect the publishing status and will cause a SYNCEd page to move to a move to a different publishing status, such asout of sync.

A page may need to be refreshed after the change to display the updated publishing status byline.

User action

Sets publishing status as


User action

Sets publishing status as


Edit a page (in either source space or target space)

out of sync


Move a page that includes a change in hierarchy

  • in either source space or target space

out of sync

  • changes in the order for a page that do not include a change in the hierarchy (changing the page ordering) do not change the publishing status for the page

  • changes in a parent page macro content as the result of a page move, for example, children macro, do not change the publishing status for the parent page.

Add label

  • to either source space page or target space page

out of sync


Remove label

  • from either source space page or target space page

out of sync


Add attachment

  • to either source space page or target space page

out of sync


Delete attachment

  • from either source space page or target space page

out of sync


Check/uncheck box for any macro, for example, task macro

  • on either source space page or target space page

out of sync

Multiple changes in a macro in a short period time, for example checking several tasks as completed, may only cause one Confluence update as Confluence Cloud may process these changes in a batch process.

Archive published page in the source space

If page is archived in the source space

  • publishing sync is removed from target space page

  • publishing sync is unchanged on the target space page

  • the publishing status byline is still displayed on the target space page

  • no publishing status is displayed on the archived source space page

Any edits to the target space page whilst the source space page is archived will cause the publishing status on the target space page to be out of sync.

Restoring a page from the archive sets the publishing status to out of sync on each page and enables the page to be published and synced from the source space.

Archive published page in the target space

If page is archived in the target space

  • publishing sync is unchanged on the source space page

  • publishing popup link to published/draft version is retained on each page

  • the publishing status byline is still displayed on the source space page

  • no publishing status is displayed on the archived target space page

An edit to the source space page whilst the target space page is archived will cause the publishing status to be out of sync on the source space page.

Delete published and synced page from source space

If a previously published page is deleted from the source space

  • the target space page is appended with the REMOVED lozenge

Publishing the source space page creates a new page even if the deleted target space page has been ‘restored from trash’.*

Delete published and synced page from target space

If page is deleted from the target space

  • publishing sync on source space page is changed to NEW


Restored page from source space Trash

  • previously published target space page has not been deleted

A ‘restored from trash’ source space page will be restored with the publishing status at the time of deletion (if there has been no changes to the target space page) and the popup will include a link to the target space page.


Restored page from target space Trash

  • previously published source space page has not been deleted

A ‘restored from trash’ target space page is restored with the publishing status at the time of deletion (if there has been no changes to the source space page).

The source space page retains the NEW publishing status until a new publishing action.


If a new page has been created by a publish action, restoring the deleted page in the target space trash will offer two options

  • overwrite newly created target space page (and maintain sync link for restored page)

  • restore the deleted page with a new title (with no sync link to any page in the source space)