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Changing a target space after publishing content

Changing the target space

You can change the target space in the source space settings Publishing configuration dashboard after content has already been published from the source space. Subsequent publishing actions will publish any content previously published to the previous target space to the new target space.

Selecting a new target space in the Target space dropdown menu will display a warning banner.

The warning is displayed prior to selecting the Change button to confirm the change of target space.

Choose Change to add the new target space.

The Change of target space

  • unlinks the current target space and published pages in this old target space will be no longer linked for publishing

  • sets all pages in the source space as unpublished and the publishing status to NEW

You must confirm the Change in the dialog box

The progress of the space reindex of the source space publishing status is displayed in a progress bar.

Successful update of the publishing status to New for the pages in the source space is confirmed in the progress bar.

If the space has not been previously, the space reindex progress bar and completion report may not be displayed.

Successful change of the space publishing target space configuration is confirmed in an on-screen notification.

Source source pages will need to be published and synced to the new target space.

Previous target space published documents are not deleted and are no longer updated.

For spaces with a large number of pages, publishing should not be attempted whilst the change of target space is in progress.

Target space permissions

If the administrator does not have the required permissions in the selected target space in the source space dashboard the Target space change option is disabled.

  • a message is displayed confirming that the user does not have enough permissions in the selected space

  • the enable/disable publishing option is disabled

  • the clear configuration option is disabled

Clear publishing configuration

You can also unlink an existing target space by choosing the publishing dashboard ellipsis dropdown menu Clear Publishing configuration option.

This option will remove the synchronization between the previously linked spaces - the source space and the target space - and will reindex the space.

An on-screen message confirms the removal of the publishing configuration from the named space.

Publishing configuration is also cleared from the linked space.