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Space publishing


A space administrator can choose to publish all source space pages to a target space (space-publishing) in a single action using the Space publishing option in the space settings Publishing dashboard.

Space publishing copies all source space pages to the target space.

Publishing does not include the space home page, blog posts and archived pages.

All source space pages are published in the Publish space action including NEW , OUT of SYNC and SYNCED pages.

The Space publishing option is only displayed if a target space has been configured and publishing has been enabled in space settings Publishing dashboard.

Comala Publishing is designed to publish pages to an “empty” target space (except for the space homepage). Although a space with existing pages can be configured as a target space, if you set a target space that has some existing title pages that are the same as in the source space, this can cause publishing issues.

Publish a space

In space settings Publishing dashboard in the source space

  • scroll down to the Space publishing option

  • choose the Publish space button

A target space must be added using the Target space dropdown menu for space publishing to be active.

Choose Publish in the dialog box to confirm the publishing of all documents in the space to the target space

If the source space does not include any NEW pages to publish, OUT OF SYNC pages or the is empty, the No pages to publish warning message is displayed.

Copying content properties

By default, the copying of content properties when publishing a page is enabled for the space. A space administrator can choose to disable the copying of content properties for source space pages in the source space settings publishing dashboard.

Space publishing progress bar

A progress bar displays the progress of the space publishing process.

Once the space publishing process finishes the progress bar will display confirmation that publishing is complete.

And a summary report of the completed publishing for the space is displayed.

Choose Back to return to the space publishing dashboard.

The last publication details are added underneath the Publish Space button in Space publishing.

Choose See details to display the space publishing report.

Partially completed space publishing

If one or more source space pages are not successfully published during a whole space publish a warning message is displayed in the progress bar.

Last publication details are added to the space publishing dashboard with a Partially completed publishing warning with a summary of the number of pages published.

Choose the See details option to view the space publishing report that displays a list of the pages that could not be published.

The page will also not be reported under the Pages that were not published listing in the space publishing job completed report. This is because the view and edit permissions cause the page to be hidden from any publishing action for this space administrator.

Space publish error

If there is a problem in completing the space publishing action, the following error message will be displayed.

Simply retry the publishing action at a later time. For repeated problems in publishing your space please open a ticket with our support team.


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