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excludeSee also


Content Approvals (content reviews) are a crucial part of most workflows.


Often called "Approvals ", they are characterized by a decision to Approve or Reject the content, and based on that decision, the workflow will generally transition to another state.

Defining reviews

One or more reviews can be added to a state using the {approval} macro:

Code Block
      {approval:Technical Review|assignable=true}

The approved and rejected parameters on the {state } macro determine which states to transition to if the review is Approved or Rejected.

One or more approvals can be added to each state using the visual editing tool workflow builder.


Approvals can be added or edited for a state in the approval editor in workflow builder.



The approvals editor includes options to edit approval reviewer assignment.

The approval transitions, Approved and Rejected can each be added for the state using the transitions editor in workflow builder.


By default, a user must have Editedit or Adminadmin permissions in order to take part in a content review.

However, if the App configuration the global app configuration (or the space app configuration) is set to allow anyone to view Workflow Activity and Drafts then users with Viewview permission, so long as they are logged in to Confluence, will be able to take part in reviews (since version 4v4.6 or later).


The people who make the decision to Approve or Reject are called reviewers.


The settings of the {approval} macro determine

  • if anyone can review

  • who can review

  • who must undertake the review (and is pre-assigned by the workflow on transition into the content review state)

  • if users are allowed to assign reviewers

  • and if the review is assignable you can limit who can be assigned

All assigned reviewers must reach the same decision (all be in agreement) before the review will be considered approved or rejected.

You can use Events events to change this behavior, for example, to facilitate fast-tracked rejections.


Reviewers for each approval can be edited in the approval editor in workflow builder.

Anyone can review

You can set the approval so that Anyone (with edit and view permission) can undertake the review.


A single reviewer decision will action the approved or rejected transition.

Code Block

Reviewer assignment using workflow builder - Anyone can approve (no restrictions)


Assignable review

The approval can be set to allow one or more users to be assigned to the review.


Once a user is assigned, only that user can undertake the review. But additional users can be assigned if the transition has not taken place.


If more than one user has been assigned, all users must agree for a transition to occur.

Users who have not yet undertaken a decision can be unassigned.

Code Block

Reviewer assignment using workflow builder - Limit who can approve and/or assign reviewers - Users can be assigned through the UI


Minimum reviewers

You can set a minimum number of reviewers to agree on the approved decision for the transition to occur.


A minimum can be required when the approval is set so

  • anyone can approve

  • the content review is assignable

  • reviewers are limited

Code Block

Where applicable, the Minimum approvals value can be set in workflow builder when editing the approval reviewer assignment.

Limiting users who can be assigned

You can also limit who can be assigned.

Code Block



Reviewer assignment using workflow builder - Limit who can approve and/or assign reviewers - Users can be assigned through the UI

Limiting users who can review

You can also simply limit users who can review. Only these users will be able to undertake the review.

None of the users' user avatars who can undertake the review are displayed in the workflow popup.

Code Block

All other users will simply see the Approved and Rejected options disabled (greyed out) in the workflow popup. No users can be assigned manually using the workflow popup.


Reviewer assignment using workflow builder - Limit who can approve and/or assign reviewers - Users cannot assigned through the UI

Requiring users to undertake a review

Reviewers can be mandated to undertake a review. On transition into the content review state, the user avatar will be appended to the workflow popup.


All reviewers must agree for a transition to occur.

Code Block


If the workflow reviewers are changed whilst in a state with assigned reviewers, the changes will only take effect for the content review on the next transition into that content review state.


Reviewer assignment using workflow builder - Set users that have to approve


Multi-group reviews

In cases where more than one team of reviewers is required, rather than adding the teams to a single approval, just add more {approval} macros to the state and use a different approval for each team.

You can also use conditions to set the order in which the approvals in a state are undertaken.


Reviewers can optionally be required to verify their credentials before making a review.


Each approval can be edited to require credentials for the reviewers. Global administrators can set the method of authentication.

See: Reviewer AuthenticationCredentials prompt, E-Signatures, E-Signatures Configuration - Global


By default, assignees and page watchers will receive notifications about the review progress, and all interactions will be tracked in the Activity Report - Content.



reviewer roles

Use the optional approval reviewer role feature to record the roles that your approvers are performing. This is a more flexible method of capturing roles compared to named reviews and allows you to easily assign ad hoc roles when necessary. 


To enable the addition of a reviewer role for a workflow using in workflow builder, to use approval roles,

  • open the advanced section of




Reviewer roles can also be enabled in the




macro by including the roles=true  parameter.

Reviewer roles, once added, are available in the dropdown option list in the Assign reviewer dialog box on the page or blog post.



Document Activity will remove any added approval reviewer roles.


This also removes ALL document activity for the page or blog post.


Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel = "concept-reviews" and label = "macro" and space = currentSpace ( )


All aspects of the review process generate Events, which can be used to Trigger Actions.

Reviewer assignment events:

  • pageapprovalassigned

  • newsapprovalassigned

  • approvalunassigned

Approval events:

  • pageapproved

  • newsapproved

  • pagerejected

  • newsrejected

App configuration




Workflow Activity and Drafts Visibility

Who can see the workflow and draft content?


If set to Everyone, then View-only users can also participate in the review.

Page Update Reset Approval

During an active review, if the content is updated should existing approvals be reset?

Approval Comment

Should comments be mandatory when participating in a content review?

Approval – Assignee

Should assigned reviewers receive email notifications about the content review?


Set how many characters must be typed when searching for reviewers


Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel = "concept-reviews" and label = "example" and space = currentSpace ( )

See also

Filter by label (Content by label)
titleEdit states using workflow builder
cqllabel = "edit-state-wfb" and space = currentSpace ( )

Workflow Authoring Guide:

User Guide:

Reporting Guide: