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Edit approvals using workflow builder


One or more approvals can be added to a state using workflow builder. An existing approval in a state can be edited in workflow builder.

Workflow builder can be used to add an approval or edit an existing approval and the approval details

  • name

  • description

  • configure reviewers and the way they are assigned

  • set condition(s) for approval to be active

  • set requirements for reviewer credentials

  • customize the approval decision button labels displayed in the workflow popup

  • enable the addition of reviewer roles for assignment of reviewers

Once an approval is added to a state, the approval approve and reject transitions can be added and edited using workflow builder.

Approvals in workflow builder

A workflow state with one or more approvals added is displayed in the workflow panel with a tick.


Edit states using workflow builder

Select a state to open the state editor.

The state editor displays

  • the state name

  • a lozenge for each state parameter (if present) such as taskable, final, hidefrompath)

  • transitions

  • approvals

  • tasks

Choose Approvals to add an approval or view existing approvals in the state.

  • to add an approval choose +Add Approval under the list of existing approvals

  • to edit an existing approval select the approval name

If the state currently has no approval, a +add option to add an approval will be displayed with the initial Approvals option.

The Approved and/or Rejected transition can only be added to the state after an approval has been added.

Add an approval

To add an approval to an existing state in workflow builder, open the state editor.

Choose the Approvals +add option.

Add details for the approval

  • name

  • description

The approval description will be displayed in the workflow popup for users with edit permission when the page or blog post is in the state with the approval.

Configure the approval reviewer assignment process.

Add and manage approval reviewers

Reviewers for the approval can be managed when adding or editing an approval in workflow builder.

There are three options to manage the reviewers for the approval:

Anyone can approve

Allows any user with view and edit permission to undertake the review

Limit who can approve and/or assign reviewers

If you choose to configure the approval to Limit who can approve and/or assign you can use the following options.

Set all the reviewers that have to approve

Specify users who must undertake the approval and exclude all other users from undertaking the approval. The users are assigned by the workflow on transition into the review state and their avatars are added to the workflow popup.

Different dialog boxes are displayed on choosing each of the three Reviewers options. These can be used to add users and/or groups (depending on the chosen option) to limit or set

  • the only users that can be assigned for the approval

  • the users who cannot undertake the approval

  • the users who can/cannot assign other users as reviewers

You can also configure requirements for reviewer credentials and/or conditions for the approval to be enabled in the Advanced options.

To add the approval to the current state, choose the Add button in the Add approval editor.

Edit an approval

The number of existing approvals in the state will be displayed when viewing the state in workflow builder visual editor.

Choose Approvals to display any existing approvals for the state.

 Choose a named approval to open the Edit Approvals panel for the approval.

Edit the existing approval

  • Name

  • Description

  • Reviewers

  • Advanced options to require reviewer credentials; customize approval button displayed names; set conditions for the approval to be active; remember assigned reviewers or enable descriptive roles for reviewers

Choose Apply to update the approval.

Choose Save to update the workflow.

Reviewer Credentials


Conditions can also be set for the approval to be active.

Open the >Advanced option.

For example, the haslabel condition can be used to set a requirement for a named content label to be present on the page.

Customize approval decision buttons

The approval decision buttons display in the workflow popup can be customized.

Edit the default Approve and Reject text in each button to customize one or both buttons.

Sticky assigned reviewers

Reviewer roles

You can also enable reviewers to be able to be given Roles when they are assigned in the workflow popup .

The option to add a role is displayed in the workflow popup after a user is selected to be assigned to the approval.

Assignee roles are displayed as a lozenge in the workflow popup when the assignee views the page.

Assignee role names once added are retained in the workflow and are available in a role dropdown menu when assigning users.

Saving changes to an approval

To amend changes to a state approval, choose Apply.

To avoid the loss of a state update to the workflow you must then

  • add the changes to the workflow by choosing Save in the Navigation panel

  • add the updated workflow to the content by selecting Exit in the Navigation panel

See also

Edit approval reviewers using workflow builder

Edit states using workflow builder

Using Workflow Builder

Workflow Authoring Guide

Administration Guides