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Installing the Comala Publishing for Confluence Cloud app is a straightforward process; you install it right inside of your Confluence Cloud instance

Updates are made periodically and will automatically be available in your Confluence Cloud instance.

Check out the latest release logs below to see what we have been working on recently.

Latest Releases

23rd Nov 2023


  • Confluence API v2 updates


  • fixed a problem that prevented the setup of Comala Publishing in a personal space

6th Nov 2023


  • Confluence API v2 updates


  • fixed an error publishing a page after a change of publishing target space configuration

  • resolved a problem that caused the publishing set-up wizard tool to stop working

25th Oct 2023


  • Confluence API v2 updates

  • library maintenance


16th Oct 2023


  • an admin user in the source space who does not have the required permissions in the target space has the source space dashboard options disabled and is displayed a message confirming that they do not have enough permissions in the target space

    • change target space option

    • enable/disable Publishing

    • clear configuration option

This update replaces an error message displayed when a user tried to change the target space configuration but did not have the required target space permissions.

9th Oct 2023

What’s New?

New space publishing configuration set-up wizard tool available when first setting setting up a space for publishing.

Access the configuration set-up tool by choosing the new Configure Publishing button option in the space settings publishing dashboard.


  • resolved an issue displaying the warning message when changing the target space if no pages had been published

  • resolved an issue reporting error messages

6th Oct 2023


  • updates to our publishing process to use Confluence REST API v2


  • fixed some errors in the log when publishing a single page

3rd Oct 2023


  • updated our background publishing process used to publish the whole space and reindexing a space to improve stability and performance


  • resolved an issue that caused a page to be duplicated in the target space instead of being replaced when a new page in a source space was published that had an existing page with the same name in the target space

  • updated the message displayed on publishing a child page of a unpublished parent page to include a warning that the page has been published to the root of the target space

27th Sept 2023


  • fixed an error that occurred when reindexing

    • a personal space

    • or a space with a spacekey beginning with a numeric character

  • fixed a problem causing a page to be duplicated when published and there was an existing page with the same name in the target space

21st Sept 2023


  • the single page publishing on-screen publishing success message is now shown only once. The success message now disappears and is not displayed again

    • after the page is refreshed

    • on a subsequent page view if the message is cleared by a user

    • on returning to the page after using the View published version link

  • target space publishing dashboard configuration information has been updated from Edit configuration on Draft Space to display Edit configuration on the Source Space


  • updated publishing progress bar to correctly display the duration of the publishing process

6th Sept 2023


  • updated the app name to Comala Publishing in space settings App links


  • publishing status no longer changes to Out of Sync when a personal label is added/removed, for example, when a user chooses to Star this page for later

29th August 2023


24th August 2023

What’s New?

When configuring a target space in the space publishing dashboard in a new source space, if the space selected from the target space dropdown menu is already configured as an existing Comala Publishing source space or target space, the Change target space button will be disabled and a warning message is displayed.

Selecting the warning message displays a link to the space to clear the publishing configuration in the selected space.


  • No pages to publish message is displayed when there are no NEW or OUT OF SYNC pages to publish on a space publish action and now includes

Warning message updated to include following text ‘Either this space is empty or all the pages are already (tick) Synced.’


  • fixed a problem displaying the View Source version link button in the target space publishing popup

  • resolved an issue that repeatedly displayed a No pages to publish warning message on space publishing actions from a space with a new single page

17th August 2023

What’s New?

Unlinking a source space and a target space now completely clears the publishing configuration for each space.

This new feature includes a new publishing dashboard Clear Publishing configuration actions menu option in both the source and the target space publishing settings. This single action clears the publishing configuration of both the source and target spaces.


  • the space publishing dashboard can now be found using Space Settings>Apps Links

  • updated our vendor name in the Manage apps screen to Appfire

20th July 2023


  • when migrating Comala Publishing from server to cloud, if a source space page or the linked target space page have page restrictions, migration now sets the page publishing status in the cloud source space to NEW to avoid misaligning the publishing status for these pages


  • fixed an error that occurred for pages with restrictions during a space publishing reindex

19th July 2023


The source space publishing dashboard target space dropdown menu now automatically displays the last 10 spaces accessed by the current user.

If the user has accessed less than 10 spaces, the spaces preloaded into the menu will be back filled with the last created spaces. All spaces in the instance are searchable using the menu.


  • updated message notification displayed when trying to edit a page in a target space. The message is also now displayed when creating a page in a target space

4th July 2023


  • library maintenance updates

  • added a column to the Incomplete tasks page issues table in the space publishing report to display the space for each listed page


  • fixed a problem displaying warning flag message notifications in the target space when a user

    • edits a previously published page in the target space

    • creates a new page in the target space

21st June 2023


14th June 2023


  • library maintenance updates

  • app version installed is now displayed in the space publishing dashboard


  • fixed an issue when publishing a whole space that caused some child pages to be published to the root of the target space

5th June 2023

What’s New?


Comala Publishing for Data Center/Server can now be migrated to Cloud using the Atlassian Migration Assistant.

Migration can be undertaken to migrate the linked source space and target space for publishing to a Confluence Cloud site.

Comala Publishing Data Center/Server V3.1.0+ is required.

Comala Publishing Migration Guide

Product Comparison - Comala Publishing Data Center/Server and Cloud

Copy content properties

New Copy content properties in the space settings space publishing dashboard to enable or disable the copying of the content properties when publishing.

The Copy content properties option can be disabled if you don’t want to override a content property from any other 3rd party app in the target space. For example, if a workflow from the Comala Document Management family of apps is applied in the source space and in the target space, the Copy content properties option should be disabled to avoid overriding the workflow applied in the target space.

31st May 2023


Improvements to the space publishing and single-page publishing user interfaces including

  • progress bars display time elapsed and remain blue if errors are found on completion

  • space publishing progress bar and space publishing report display the names of the source and the target spaces

  • last space publication summary in the source space publishing dashboard now includes the number of pages published; the name of the target space and the full date and time of publication



  • fixed a problem publishing to the correct hierarchy a previously published source space page when it is moved from the source space root to be a child of the home page*

* If the parent of the published page does not exist in the target space, the page will still be published under the root.

24th May 2023


  • resolved a problem that prevented the update of the publishing sync status when an attachment was added

  • when several publish and sync actions occur in a short time period the latest version is published and synced

2nd May 2023

What’s New?

19th April 2023


  • improved context details in error logs


  • general performance updates


  • adding or removing labels in the target space now sets the publishing status to Out of Sync

  • fixed a problem displaying some UI elements in the source space publishing dashboard

13th April 2023


  • updated publishing process to better support publishing a page to a target space with an applied Comala workflow


  • resolved a problem that displayed a 404 error and caused some problems when scrolling down a page

  • source space target space is now cleared if the target space is deleted or does not exist (for example after the source space has been imported)

5th April 2023


  • fixed a problem that sometimes prevented the successful publishing of some pages

27th March 2023


  • general performance improvements


  • fixed an error when the app was uninstalled

  • amended space publishing dashboard button to Save when adding a target space for the first time

  • updated an error message displayed if a single-page publishing action did not succeed

  • added a warning flag in the message displayed to a user when a page is published with no parent in the target space

16th March 2023


  • resolved a problem that occasionally generated an incorrect error message when a page was successfully published using single-page publishing

14th March 2023

What’s New?

Comala Publishing Cloud now supports the application of a Comala Document Management family of apps workflow on pages in a space configured as a target space for publishing


  • Atlassian Cloud Connect toolkit compatibility update

9th March 2023

What’s New?

  • After changing the target space a publishing action now publishes all pages to the new target space

    • this includes any pages previously published to a different target space


  • new Publish confirmation dialog box after choosing to publish a whole space

  • when publishing a space all other publishing by users in the space (both page and space publishing) is disabled until the space publishing is complete

  • maintenance updates to improve performance and stability

2nd March 2023



  • fixed a problem publishing some pages correctly when publishing all the pages in a space with a large number of pages

22nd February 2023


  • fixed the source space link in the target space space publishing dashboard when the target space is a personal space

8th February 2023

What’s New?

Updated the UI when publishing a single page using the Publish option in the on-page publishing popup. The popup now displays

  • the publishing progress

  • confirmation of a successful copy to the target space


  • maintenance updates to improve stability and performance

30th January 2023


  • resolved a problem that allowed a user without space admin permission to publish a space

  • fixed a problem that allowed a user without view permission to publish an individual page

  • resolved an issue that prevented a source space page and target space page moving to OUT OF SYNC if a page with restrictions was updated

CPC 1.1.1

Earlier Releases 2022

 Release Logs 2022

15th December 2022

What’s New?

This is our new documentation space for Comala Publishing Cloud!

We have updated the in-app links to this new documentation space at docs.comalatech.

💛 The old documentation space at wiki.comalatech will no longer be updated for Comala Publishing Cloud.

If you have any questions please open a ticket with our support team.

New Space Publishing option

A space administrator can now publish all the content from a source space to a target space in a single publishing action using the new Publish space option in the space settings Publishing dashboard.

17th November 2022


  • publishing content no longer removes the workflow history on the target page

13th October 2022

  • new space settings Publishing dashboard UI

30th August

New features

  • when a user edits a document in a target space a new info dialog box is displayed warning them that any changes may be overwritten the next time the page is synced

  • a space configured as a target space for publishing cannot now be used as a draft space for another space

  • added a new information dialog box in the target space publishing dashboard showing details of linked source space


  • fixed an issue publishing that sometimes caused content to be set as Out of Sync in both target and source space if the updating action took too long

18th August 2022

New feature


  • fixed an issue causing timeouts on publishing status updates after page edits or a publishing action

27th July 2022


  • fixed a problem that prevented some pages with page level restrictions from moving to Out Of Sync after an update or hierarchy change

23rd June 2022


  • fixed a problem causing timeouts for some webhook events

20th June 2022


  • resolved an issue that caused the app to retain publishing status rather than updating the status to OUT OF SYNC when the page hierarchy or location is changed

7th June 2022


  • fixed a problem publishing pages with multiple attachments and also caused multiple publishing notification emails when publishing a page with attachments

5th May 2022


If a user with only view page permission in the target space page will now see a custom error message when trying to publish content.


(info) This custom error message is different to that shown if the user has no page permissions in the target space

April 26th 2022

  • library and dependencies update to improve stability and performance

March 16th 2022


  • minor maintenance and backend improvement updates

  • updated the warning banner shown when changing the target space in space settings



  • resolved problems that occurred when the content had a long contentID that prevented the publishing status changing from SYNCED if the draft content was updated and caused publishing to fail for some spaces (getSpaces call to Atlassian was not returning information)

  • amended text displayed in the target page Publishing status byline dialog box to confirm the source page has been removed

  • updated UI elements to remove scroll options that are not required

Earlier Releases 2021

 Release logs 2021

30th September 2021


  • maintenance updates due to Atlassian installation lifecycle changes.

23rd August 2021


  • maintenance update


  • resolved a problem publishing attachments to the target space

20th May 2021

  • Atlassian Connect Framework vulnerability update

12th May 2021


  • Comala Read Confirmations integration maintenance - fixed an issue when using Comala Publishing Cloud with Comala Read Confirmation Cloud to prevent updating the read confirmation byline status on the target page on publishing a page update

5th May 2021


  • security update


27th April 2021


  • security update


  • fixed an issue that sometimes caused the workflow popup on the page to be empty

3rd Feb 2021


  • page hierarchy is now tracked across draft and public space - a change in the hierarchy for a page moves publishing status for the page to Out of Sync

  • now, subsequent publications of a page do not generate a new page in the target space, allowing bookmarking of the URL for a published page

  • Confluence API update allows publishing of documents containing attachments >30Mb

Earlier Releases 2020

 Release Logs 2020

20th Nov 2020

25th May 2020


  • Comala Publishing app now includes the copying of attachments on content from the source space to the target space.

Note the following constraints in the current beta release

  • Copying Attachments

    • currently 30Mb limit on the size of attachments that can be copied

    • issues may occur when copying attachments for a page containing a GIPHY image

  • Properties

    • when copying content properties some content property keys may be duplicated

    • copying custom content properties has been disabled to avoid errors in copying Workflow History

All the above are associated with a raised Atlassian thread discussion/ticket.

  • No labels