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I want to move an upgraded page for Document Activity into another space



When upgrading your app to Comala Document Management 7.0 for Data Center, you may need to move a page from a space upgraded to use document activity to another space.

Moving an upgraded page between spaces has an impact on the destination space depending on the document activity data upgrade status for the space.

Move upgraded page to another space that uses document activity

When a page from a space upgraded to use document activity is moved to a different space already using document activity, the moved page appears as part of the new space.

The destination space for the upgraded page can be

  • new space with workflow activity (created after installation of Comala Document Management 7.0+)

  • an existing space with workflow activity (prior to installation of Comala Document Management 7.0+) that has been upgraded to use document activity

There is no need for any action. The space related data is updated automatically.

Move the upgraded page to another space with workflow activity that is not upgraded

When a page from a space upgraded to use document activity is moved to a different space that does not currently use document activity but the space has at least one document with an applied workflow

  • the moved page appears as part of the new space but the space related workflow data for this page will still be tracked as document activity

  • all the existing pages workflow events and actions in this non-upgraded space remain tracked using page activity

If the destination space has no document activity data upgrade status, on moving the upgraded page to the space, the upgrade status is set to CHECK NOT RUN.

All future workflow data for the moved page is recorded as document activity but the document activity report for the moved page will NOT be available until the space is upgraded to use document activity.

When this space is upgraded to utilize document activity, the moved page is viewed by the upgrade process as already upgraded.

Move the upgraded page to another space with no workflow activity

When a page from a space upgraded to use document activity is moved to a different space that has no current workflow applied, either

  • an existing space (prior to install of Comala Document Management 7.0+ app) with no previously applied workflow


  • a new space (created after the install of Comala Document Management 7.0+ app) with no applied workflow

In both cases the destination space for the page has no workflow activity and moving the page to the space

  • updates space related document activity data from the moved page

  • document activity upgrade status (if the space had no upgrade status) is set to Upgrade successful