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Edit page layout using workflow builder

Edit the page layout using workflow builder

Page layout allows you to set workflow on-screen message notifications for users.

The number of existing page layout messages is shown in the workflow panel.

Choose Page Layout.

 The Page Layout panel lists any added on-screen messages for your content header, content footer and for users when creating a new page

Choose Page Header, Page Footer or Workflow Instructions to open an editor or choose +add to create a new page layout message or instruction.

Once added page footer and header messages and workflow instructions will be shown in the page layout panel.

A page layout item can be removed by choosing its name and selecting Delete in the editor.

Only one message can be added to each of the page layout options.

To ensure changes are added to the workflow

  • Choose Apply/Add in each editor to confirm the changes for the page layout item for the state.

  • Choose Save in the navigator panel to add these changes to the workflow.

  • Select Exit in the Navigator panel to add the updated workflow to the content

Page header editor

If no page headers are shown,  choose Page Header or +add to create a new page header.

Use the dropdown menu to select the permissions required for users to view the on-screen message.

The header message Edit page layout using workflow builder#visibility is based on the Confluence permission for the user viewing the content

  • view permission (read-only)

  • edit permission (contributors)

  • users with either view or edit permission (all)

The message can be plain text and/or wiki markup.

Choose Apply to save the new page header message.

Page footer editor

If no page footers are shown,  choose Page Footer or +add to create a new page footer.

Use the dropdown menu to choose the permissions required for users to view the on-screen message.

The footer message Edit page layout using workflow builder#visibility is based the Confluence permission for the user viewing the content

  • view permission (read-only access)

  • edit permission (contributors)

  • users with either view or edit permission (all)

The message can be plain text and/or wiki markup.

Choose Apply to save the page footer message.

Header and footer visibility

Visibility for each header and footer message can be set using the dropdown menu.

Message visibility is based on the Confluence user permission for the content. Header and footer icons are appended to show the chosen user visibility.

Both contributors (edit permission) and read-only (view permission) users

Read-only access
Users who can view the page
(but the message is not displayed to a user who also has edit permission)

Users who can edit the page

You can use different messages in a footer and header, each with visibility based on different user permissions.

Workflow instructions editor

Workflow instructions can be used to display instructions in a message panel on the initial page or blog post creation screen.

It is particularly useful for providing guidance to content creators about the next steps after creating the page.

If no Workflow instructions are shown in the page layout panel

  • choose Workflow Instructions or +add to create a workflow instruction message.

From the dropdown menu choose the Type of message box to be displayed.

The workflow instruction message content can be plain text or wiki markup (excluding any Confluence reserved characters). A Title can be added for the workflow instruction.

  • choose Add to save the workflow instruction

When applied to a space the workflow instructions are displayed  in a message panel on the initial page or blog post creation screen.

See also

Using Workflow Builder:

Workflow Authoring Guide:

Administration Guides: