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publish-page macro


The publish-page macro is used as an action in a workflow trigger to publish content to a different space on the same Confluence Server or Data Center instance.

  • one space is set up as the source space, where content is drafted, developed, produced and approved

  • another space is set up as the destination target space, where the content is published to for wider audience viewing

For more information, see: Different-space publishing


You must install the Comala Publishing app in order to use this macro.

Where to use it?


One publish-page macro can be put in a trigger macro.

If using the Comala Publishing publish-page macro to publish content with metadata references to a different space, the publish-page macro action and the metadata modification macro action need to be in separate triggers to ensure the metadata is updated on the published space page.


The macro has no parameters, it uses the publishing profile defined in the space tools Publishing dashboard (if Comala Publishing is installed). For more information, see Different-space publishing.

Basic example

{workflow:name=Different-space publishing} {state:Editing|submit=Review} {state} {state:Review|approved=Published|rejected=Editing} {approval:Review} {state} {state:Published|update=Editing|final=true} {state} {trigger:statechanged|state=Published} {publish-page} {trigger} {workflow}

The final=true parameter on the Published state is not required for different-space publishing using the publish-page macro, however it helps to clarify which versions of content are published from the source space.

All examples

See also


Comala Publishing app documentation

Other links