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trigger macro


The trigger macro listens for Events, then, after filtering and confirming any prerequisite requirements, performs the actions contained in the macro body.

Where to use it?


One or more trigger macros can be put in a workflow macro.












unnamed first parameter


The event to listen to – see: Events


macro body



One or more actions to process when the trigger is activated – see: Actions





The description for the trigger:

  • plain text

  • can use any character set supported by your Confluence server – except some reserved characters





Optionally apply further conditions to filter events – see: Conditions




Required for all events relating to the approval macro.

Filter to a specific approval name.

If you have more than one approval with same name but in different states, you can also filter to a specific state using the state parameter.





Only applies to statechanged event, for each page or blog post the workflow is applied to.

  • true – only listen for the first time the workflow transitions to the state specified by the state parameter.

  • false – listen to every time the workflow transitions to the state specified by the state parameter.

The primary use of this parameter is to perform one-time initialisation actions for a given piece of content. For example, on the first review of a piece of content you might want to send out additional emails, or set some metadata.

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.





Only applies to labeladded and labelremoved events.

Value is the name of the label that was added or removed.





If this value is set, then a custom event identified by this value will be published when the actions are executed, and will contain a flag success set to true or false depending on the outcome




Required for the pageparameterupdate event

The name of the parameter to monitor.

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.





Only applicable to for the following events: pageapproved, pagerejected, newsapproved and newsrejected

  • true – process each individual Approve or Reject

  • false – wait until all reviewers agree on either Approve or Reject






Should actions be queued?

  • true – Yes, queue them

  • false – No, run them immediately

If there is a chance that actions will take a long time to process, for example when remote publishing content, they should be queued so the end user doesn't have to wait for them to finish before continuing with their work.




Required for the following events:

  • pagestatechanged

  • statechanged

  • newsstatechanged

Filter to a specific active state of the workflow.

Only a single state can be specified, and it can't be negated.





This setting is used to listen for the outcome of a custom event (set by the newevent parameter in a separate trigger macro). This setting can be used to handle an error in an action (for example, failure of remote publishing).




If not specified, the trigger will listen for all tasks rather than a specific task.

Filter to a specific task name.



The workflow has two triggers with each trigger is listening for a different approval event for the Content Review approval in the Review state.

These are

  • a pageapproved event trigger

  • a pagerejected event trigger

{workflow:Example Trigger Workflow} {state:Editing|submit=Review} {state} {state:Review|approved=Published|rejected=Editing} {approval:Content Review} {state} {state:Published|final=true|updated=Editing} {state} {trigger:pageapproved|approval=Content Review} {set-message:style=success}This page has been approved!{set-message} {trigger} {trigger:pagerejected|approval=Content Review} {set-message:style=error}This page was rejected, please make requested changes.{set-message} {trigger} {workflow}

You can view and edit a workflow in workflow builder.

In workflow builder, the trigger is added to the workflow using markup.

Once added to the workflow each trigger is displayed as a non-editable workflow Rule. 

Rules simply displays the event and event filter for each trigger. To change a trigger you must edit the trigger markup.

All examples

See also

Workflow Authoring Guide:

User Guide: