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snapshot-page macro


The snapshot-page macro is used to publish a static version of a document. The macro

  • creates a snapshot of the page

  • links the snapshot to one or more collections

Comala Publishing must be installed to use the snapshot-page macro

Where to use it?


One or more snapshot-page macros can be put in a trigger macro.

The snapshot-page macro is available in Comala Document Management v6.17.6+ together with Comala Publishing v3.0+














Name of the snapshot collection where the snapshot document is published

  • snapshot collection must be linked to the current space in the space tools snapshot publishing dashboard

  • supports the use of value references including workflow parameters

If the collection doesn't exist the macro will create the named collection(s). 





Name of the snapshot contributor for the named collection.

The contributor is the user who will be set as the the creator of the snapshot document version.

  • if the parameter is not used, the current user is set as the contributor for the snapshot document version created

  • supports the use of value references including workflow parameters

{snapshot-page:collection=@Worfklow Parameter@|editor=@user@}



A snapshot created with a trigger specifying a collection that does not exist (or a collection for which the user does not have contributor permission) will be added to the space default Unassigned collection.

A warning message is also displayed on the page. For example, if the mine collection does not exist.

Snapshot event reference

The URL for the location of the created snapshot document is added as a value to the event reference @snapshoturl@ and can be used as a value reference. For example, in a set-message action macro body content.

{trigger:statechanged|state=Done} {snapshot-page:collection=Uncontrolled Internal Repository|editor=@user@} {set-message:duration=1m} Document finished @datetime@. Static snapshot added to the Uncontrolled Internal Repository. This can be viewed [here|@snapshoturl@] or by choosing the View option in the popup accessed using the snapshot byline on the page. {set-message} {trigger}

The value for @snapshoturl@ is a URL for the snapshot document in the named collection viewed through the collections global viewer. For example!4e48c108-68d7-4727-b72a-fc5cc972cdc3/151948182


{trigger:statechanged|state=Published} {snapshot-page:collection=Published Documents Record|editor=@snapshotpublishinguser@} {trigger}

Publishes snapshot of the Confluence document version on a transition to the workflow Published state. The snapshot is added to the Published Documents Record collection.

The editor (contributor of the snapshot document version to the collection) is the value of the user workflow parameter @snapshotpublishinguser@.

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