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Space Administration

Space Administration

The space workflow for a space can be configured in the Comala Document Approval dashboard. A space administrator can enable/disable the application of the app space workflow to all the content in the space.

Choose Space Settings>App Links>Comala Document Approval to open the space Document Approval dashboard.

You can

  • enable/disable the approval workflow for application to the whole space content

  • Reindex workflows of imported spaces for a migrated cloud space or space import


Choose the slider to enable the Basic Approval Workflow for the space

Enabling the workflow adds and applies the workflow to all content in the space and displays access to additional Utilities options.

The enabled space approval workflow will take priority over any approval workflow applied individually to a page by an editor.


When the workflow is enabled you can also choose to

  • Initialize states for the applied workflow

  • Clear Document Activity for all the space content

Initialize states

Initialize states can be used to set all content to be in one state of the Basic Approval Workflow.

Clear Document Activity

Document Activity can be cleared for all the content in your space that currently or previously had a workflow applied.

You will need to confirm the clearing of the document activity as this action cannot be undone.

Migrated space

The option Reindex workflows of imported spaces should be used whenever a space is imported/migrated from another cloud site or cloud space.

You can choose Reindex Workflows.

This will re-enable approvals in a migrated or imported space from another cloud site.

This is the final step in the cloud to cloud migration/import process.

Otherwise, Comala Document Approval workflows may not work on the added pages after the import/migration has been completed and document activity may display document states as 'not initialized'.

Document Activity is linked to original users and is not transferred with the migration.

You will need to confirm the reset of Approvals as this action cannot be undone.

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