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Space Sync Conditions - Settings

Space Sync Conditions

You can set the following condition options for publishing pages and blog posts in a space when publishing from the space tools Publishing dashboard.

To configure the publishing Space Sync Conditions open the space tools Publishing dashboard

  • choose Configure

  • under Settings choose SPACE SYNC CONDITIONS


Publishing options set in Space Publishing Options only apply to content published by a space administrator via the space Publish option.

Changing these settings does not affect single page publishing.

Space sync conditions

The space publishing of content can be set to include either or both Pages and Blog Posts.

The content data that is published for a blog post or page is configured in Content options in the space tools Publishing dashboard.





Blog Posts

Check Blog Posts to include all blog posts when the space is published using the space tools Publishing dashboard.


Check Pages to include all pages when the space is published using the space tools Publishing dashboard.

The space home page is not published.

If you want to publish the source space home page you must check the Top-level pages option

  • Top-level pages option publishes any orphan pages and the home page in the source space

Always Publish

Check Always Publish to publish all the source content, not just the content that has been updated.

Delete target space content (pages and blog posts)

Check Delete target space content (pages and blog posts) to delete all content found in the published target space that is not in the source space.

You can also set the Content options - Settings to remove all page history from the published content

Use final state version

Comala Publishing is compatible with the Comala Document Management Family of Apps Map.  The space publishing action can be set to publish the corresponding latest final (published) state version in the Comala workflow applied to the source content.

Check Use final state version to publish the content version corresponding to the Comala Document Management latest approved version created on the most recent transition to the final state in the applied workflow

  • the final state version will be published even if the content is currently in a draft workflow state

  • content will not be published if there is no final state version

Comala Publishing integration with Comala Document Management also allows publish and sync of a page of blog post on a workflow event using a workflow trigger with a publish-page action macro.

Working with the sync-label

Content to be published can also be filtered by using a sync-label. These options allow the content to be published based on the value of a label


Use sync-label

When Use sync-label is checked you can choose to one of

  • Publish content with the sync-label

  • Publish content without the sync label

Options include 

  • Include child pages to publish the child pages of a page with the sync-label

  • Ignore sync-label for Blog Posts to publishing all blog posts on a space publish action (if Blog Posts is also checked in Space Publishing Options)

Delete sync-label

If checked, the current sync-label is removed from all the source content in the space after publishing. 

Configure options

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