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View changes - space tools


You can view changes made to pages in your space before you publish it.

The View Changes option appears only after the space has been configured for publishing. This can be configured through the Configure Settings options.

Once you start creating/updating/deleting pages within a draft space, you will be able to see changes you've made in the space tools Publishing dashboard.

Viewing the report

in Publish Space tab in the space tools Publishing dashboard

  • choose View Changes button

  • choose the DRAFT space to view the source space changes pending

  • choose the PUBLISHED space to view the target space changes pending

Note the content of  View Change will change if the Configure settings for publishing are changed.

The View Changes option appears only after the draft space is published for the first time.

Draft Space View Changes Report

The report will list for source space

  • Content related to the title of the page (If the page has a change on the attachments, you will be able to see those by clicking on the arrow link)

  • Version: Version of the page

  • Changes: See all types in the table below

  • Updated on

  • Updated by

The report can be filtered using the filter button options by

  • publishing status

  • updated by

  • period of time

Check the filters set if an expected update is not being displayed in the report.

The draft space View Changes publishing report will show that no pending changes if

  • all updates have been published either individually publishing pages or after a space publishing action

  • the draft space is archived

Published Space View Changes Report

The report will list for published space

  • Content related to the title of the page (If the page has a change on the attachments, you will be able to see those by clicking on the arrow link)

  • Version: Version of the page

  • Changes: See all types in the table below

  • Updated on

  • Updated by

The report can be filtered using the filter publishing status button option.

A Search entry option is available in both the draft and published space View Changes reports.

Change Types







Page additions

New pages added to the draft space that will be published to the published space.


Page updates

Draft space pages with content changes that will be updated in the published space.


Label updates

Draft space pages with new or edited labels that will be updated in the published space.

labels updated

Attachment updates

Draft space pages with new or edited attachments that will be updated in the published space.

attachment added

Attachment label updates

Draft space pages with new or edited labels in the attachments that will be updated in the published space.

attachment labels updated

Attachment deleted

Draft space pages with deleted attachments that will be updated in the published space.

attachment deleted

Restrictions updated

Draft space pages with restrictions updated that will be updated in the published space.

restrictions updated

Properties updated

Draft space pages with properties updated that will be updated in the published space.

properties updated

Page deletions

Appears in place of Out-of-sync pages when Delete Pages added in Target Space is selected in Configure. Out-of-sync pages in the published space will be deleted upon publishing.


Out-of-sync pages

Pages in the published space that do not exist in the draft space. These remain in the published space upon publishing.

Note: if the option Ignore Manifest is checked this will mean the pages will always be set as out of sync.

out of sync


Pages that cannot be published because they are not in the "final" state of a workflow (when using Publishing with Comala Workflows). This label is only visible if the configuration has the "Copy Comala Workflows final state version" and "Copy properties" options checked. Label will include space key for published space.

AWP unpUBlishable

Not in draft

Published space pages that are not in the draft space. Displayed only in the Published space report.


A user with global administrator permissions will be able to publish everything in a space, even if the Publishing report is not showing all pages.

This could happen in the unlikely case a user creates a page and applies view restrictions for a user who is a global administrator

However, the page will be accessible by the global administrator because they are able to access the page overriding any restrictions and pages will be published no matter what restrictions may be in place on a per-page basis.

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