Use Workflow Translator for Cloud in server to translate your server workflows to cloud compatible code

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Use Workflow Translator for Cloud in server to translate your server workflows to cloud compatible code


You can use workflow builder Workflow Translator for Cloud option (from v6.17.10+) to translate the server workflow into cloud compatible JSON that can be copied and pasted into the app JSON editor in the cloud app instead of creating a new workflow from scratch in cloud.

If required, the workflow can then be customized further in the Comala Document Management Cloud app using

Some workflow elements and parameters cannot be currently translated by the Workflow Translator for Cloud. If available in cloud, they will have different functionality, for example, triggers. These will need to added to the workflow in the cloud site.

It is not possible to use the Atlassian migration tool to migrate your existing Comala workflows from Server. You must install and license the Comala Document Management for Cloud and manually create any custom Comala workflow in your Cloud instance using

Differences between our server and cloud apps are listed in a feature matrix comparing Comala Document Management Server and Cloud apps. The workflows bundled with the Comala Document Management for Cloud app have different functionality compared to the bundled workflows in the server/data center app. Please ensure you review the functionality of these workflows in cloud.

Workflow translator for cloud


In server/data center, a workflow can be translated to cloud compatible JSON code using the Workflow Translator for Cloud option in workflow builder.

Server/data base workflow features that cannot be translated are listed in the Messages dialog box.

The cloud compatible JSON code can be copied using the Copy option. This can be pasted into the cloud app code editor in your cloud space.

Some elements and parameters not translated by the server Workflow Translator for Cloud tool can be created in cloud, for example triggers, as these have different features and functionality in the cloud platform.

Using Workflows Translator for Cloud

In your server instance open workflow builder for your workflow.

In the space tools document management dashboard open the ellipsis menu for a space workflow.

Choose Edit to open workflow builder.

Choose the Cloud Translator button.

The current workflow template markup for server is displayed in the Actual Workflow dialog box.

Choose the Translate button to translate the server workflow to cloud compatible JSON code.

  • the cloud compatible JSON code is displayed in the Translated Workflow dialog box

  • workflow elements and parameters that have not been translated by the cloud translator are displayed in the Messages dialog box

Unsupported elements

Elements and parameters that are not supported by the workflow translator may be available in cloud but with different features and functionality. Some of these, for example, elements such as triggers and workflow elements parameters can be added to the workflow in the cloud app visual builder or code editor.

The workflow translator v6.18.0+ includes the following in a warning message about different functionalities in cloud

  • approval user and group condition parameters work slightly differently in cloud

  • confluence usernames used in the workflow must be replaced with user corresponding cloudIDs

  • e-signatures availability only with time-based token

Choose the Translated Workflow copy icon to copy the cloud compatible JSON code to the clipboard.

The workflow code can be then pasted to the code editor in the Comala Document Management Cloud space settings document management dashboard and saved as a new workflow in your cloud site.

Invalid workflow

If the server workflow cannot be translated a warning message is displayed.

Check that the server workflow is a valid workflow. If error persists content our support team.

Add cloud compatible workflow JSON code to your cloud site

After translating a server workflow into cloud compatible JSON, this can be copied and pasted into the app code editor in the cloud app instead of creating a new workflow from scratch in cloud. Once added, this workflow can be then be updated with both the the visual editor and the code editor.

Add the cloud compatible JSON code

Navigate to the cloud app space settings document management dashboard.

Choose Edit Workflow for the current space workflow.

Select Use Code Editor.

The Workflow schema code for the current space workflow is displayed.

Highlight all the code in the dialog box and delete.

Paste into the empty Workflow schema dialog box the cloud compatible JSON code copied from the server workflow builder Workflow Translator for Cloud option

Choose Apply.

The translated workflow is added to the space settings document management dashboard as the current space workflow.

The new workflow will not include any of the workflow elements and parameters listed in Messages dialog box in the server workflow builder Workflow Translator for Cloud.

You will need to review your cloud workflow and edit the workflow where appropriate to meet your process needs in cloud including

On our example workflow the following elements and parameters were listed in the in Messages dialog box in the Workflow Translator for Cloud.

Triggers are available in Comala Document Management Cloud but with different functionality. Triggers in cloud are added and edited in workflow builder visual editor

The following parameters are not available in cloud

  • hidefrompath

  • hideselection

  • taskable - tasks are not a feature of Confluence Cloud

There is no equivalent selectedApprovers parameter in our cloud app. But the approval is translated to settings in cloud that are set to only allow selected approvers to undertake the approval. The approval can be checked using the options in the approval editor in the visual builder in cloud.


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