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Workflows usage report

Overview v7.1.0+ v16.18.0+

The workflows usage report renders a list of all the active (enabled and applied) workflows in the spaces across the instance.

To display the workflows enabled and applied in spaces in the instance

  • choose View report

On running the report

  • a summary of workflow usage is added to the dashboard

    • number of pages with workflow versus total pages

    • no of spaces with workflow versus total spaces

  • each enabled workflow in each space is displayed as a separate table row

From v7.1.1, the workflow usage report includes the listing of workflows with translation errors. Each of these workflows are displayed together with a message confirming an error translating the workflow. Prior to the v7.1.1 release, a workflow with translation error(s) was not displayed in the report.

Report columns

A separate row is displayed for each different workflow in each space in the instance with the following columns

  • Space Name - link to the named space

  • Workflow Name

  • Type - workflow template scope (global or space)

  • Cloud - icon indicates if the server/data center workflow is compatible/incompatible with Cloud (if translated using the workflow translator)

    • green tick icon - the workflow does not have any unsupported element/parameter in Cloud

    • warning icon - the workflow has some unsupported element(s)/parameter(s) in Cloud

  • Actions - button options to modify the workflow

The Actions options opens the tools for

The report is sortable by any column except the Action column.