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Snapshot hierarchy in a collection


A space administrator can change the hierarchy of snapshots in a collection by moving a single snapshot or a family of snapshots to a different parent within a collection.

A space administrator can manage the snapshot in a space including setting the snapshot hierarchy when

  • moving the snapshot within a current collection

  • moving the snapshot to a new collection

  • linking a snapshot to an additional collection

Changing the hierarchy of documents in a collection allows the space administrator to organize the information shared with other users.

A snapshot created by a user using the snapshot popup on the page by default is added to the root of a collection.

Moving a snapshot in the collection hierarchy

A snapshot in a collection can be moved to a different location in the collection snapshot document hierarchy using the Move to option in the snapshot ellipsis in the space snapshot publishing dashboard.

In the snapshot document ellipsis menu options

  • choose Move to

In the Move to dialog box drop down menu options to move snapshot within the current collection

  • select the Target Collection to be the current collection

  • choose the new parent snapshot document as the Target Document

  • choose Move

The new hierarchical location of the snapshot document in the collection is updated in the snapshot publishing dashboard.

Moving a snapshot in the document hierarchy in a collection moves the selected snapshot and any descendant snapshot documents to the new location retaining the parent-descendant relationship.

For example, moving Digital Nomad - Remote Working Policy in the collection displayed above, also moves its descendant HR Health Benefits - Digital Nomad.

A snapshot cannot be moved underneath an existing descendant.

A warning message is displayed if the selected new parent for the move is currently a descendant.

The hierarchical location for a snapshot can also be set when

  • choosing a different Target Collection in the Move to dialog box

  • linking a snapshot to another collection using the Link to option in the snapshot ellipsis menu options

Removing a snapshot from collection

The descendants of a snapshot removed from a collection are not removed. These are moved to be descendants of the next parent level in the ancestors.

For example, removing Digital Nomad - Remote Working Policy from the collection displayed above, moves its descendant HR Health Benefits - Digital Nomad to the root of the collection.

If there is no other ancestor the snapshot is moved to the root level in the collection hierarchy.

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