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Create a snapshot


The current snapshot publishing status is displayed on the Confluence document.

You can create a static snapshot document from a page in a space.

The snapshot publishing popup displays the collections a snapshot has been added to

A user (who is not the space administrator) can only create a snapshot if

  • the user has been given contributor permission for at least one collection

  • and the collection has been linked to the space by the space administrator

A snapshot for a Confluence document can be created in any snapshot publishing enabled space in your instance.

Create a snapshot

A user can use the snapshot publishing byline on a page to create a snapshot and add it to one or more Collections they have given permission to contribute to.

If no snapshot currently exists for the Confluence document the snapshot publishing status on the Confluence document is Create snapshot.

Choose the snapshot publishing status byline to open the snapshot popup.

  • Use the Choose collections dropdown menu to select one or more collections to add the snapshot

The dropdown menu only displays collections where the current user has been added as a contributor to the collection permissions by the collection manager.

  • Choose Snap!

Snap! creates a snapshot and adds it to the chosen collections.

Snapshot status displays Creating snapshot.

An on-screen notification confirms the creation of the snapshot document.

The snapshot publishing status is updated to Created.

The snapshot publishing popup is updated to display

  • the Created snapshot status

  • date of snapshot creation

  • snapshot creator user avatar and user name

  • list of collections the snapshot is currently added to

The View button option opens the collections viewer to display the snapshot document (in PDF or HTML format) and the snapshot document metadata.

Any user who has permission to view or contribute to a collection can also view these using the Collections global viewer in the Confluence header options.

Permissions to view and contribute to a Collection are managed by the user who created the Collection - the Collection Owner.


A new snapshot version can be created using the Re-snap button in the snapshot publishing popup.

The Re-snap button is enabled when the source Confluence document is updated and the snapshot publishing status is Out of Sync.

When creating a new snapshot using the Re-snap option

  • additional collections can be added for the snapshot

  • the snapshot version is updated

Choosing Re-snap will

  • increment the snapshot version in all the existing collections

  • add the snapshot to the new collection

The snapshot document version will be the same in all the collections.