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The publishing dashboard is accessed by choosing Space Settings>App links>Publishing.


The Configure Publishing button opens the space publishing configuration setup tool to add a target space to publish your pages to.


The Configure Publishing button is only displayed if no target space has been added to the publishing dashboard.

Once a target space is configured for a space, publishing is enabled for the space by default.


The dropdown menu does not display any space that is currently configured using Comala Publishing as a source space or target space linked to another space.


After a space is published details of the pages in the last space publication can be viewed using a link to the space publishing report added to the source space publishing dashboard.


When a target space is configured in the source space, the target space Publishing dashboard will display a message confirming the target space as a published space and details of the source space.

Administrator permissions

A space administrator in the source space who does not have the required permissions in the target space has the source space dashboard options disabled and a message is displayed confirming that they do not have enough permissions in the target space.

The following options are disabled in the source space publishing dashboard

  • change target space option

    Image Added
    • enable/disable Publishing

      Image Added
    • clear configuration option


If the space administrator is attempting to change from an existing target space, refreshing the dashboard page returns the dashboard display to the existing target space configuration.

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