Versions Compared


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Updates are made periodically and will automatically be available in your Confluence Cloud instance.


Table of Contents

Latest Releases


2nd Oct 2023




  • maintenance updates




Latest Releases

12th January 2023


  • maintenance update


Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.133

Earlier Releases 2023

11th Dec 2023


  • maintenance update


Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.121

5th Dec 2023



Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.119

29th Nov 2023


  • fixed an issue displaying the current state details in the workflow popup


Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.117

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.118

23rd Oct 2023


  • fixed a problem displaying the on-screen message notifications on an approve or reject decision


Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.73

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.74

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.75

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.76

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.77

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.78

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.79

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.80

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.81

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.82

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.83

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.84

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.85

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.86

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.87

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.88

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.89

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.90

2nd Oct 2023


  • maintenance updates


  • fixed a problem causing the Document activity to reset on some pages


Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.69

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.70

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.71

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.72

27th Sept 2023


  • minor update for Confluence API v2


Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.55

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.56

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.57

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.58

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.59

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.60

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.61

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.62

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.63

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.64

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.65

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.66

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.67

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.68

13th Sept 2023


  • resolved an error in the log that occurred when a page macro is added to the page


Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.43

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.44

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.45

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.46

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.47

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.48

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.49

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.50

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.51

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.52

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.53

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.54

24th Aug 2023


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Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.41

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.42

22nd Aug 2023


  • the workflow popup progress bar tooltip is now displayed below the progress line to avoid overlapping with any other content in the popup


Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.26

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.27

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.28

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.29

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.30

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.31

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.32

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.33

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.34

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.35

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.36

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.38

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.39

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.40

27th July 2023


  • fixed an error that occurred when installing the app


Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.22

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.23

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.24

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.25

18th July 2023


  • updated our vendor name in Manage apps to Appfire


Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.15

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.16

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.17

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.18

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.19

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.20

Release Comala Document Approval (CDx) 3.45.21

15th June 2023


  • the Confirm Remove Page Approval dialog now displays all its content without requiring a user to scroll



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  • improved the display of multiple assignees of a specific approval in the Approvals Report dialog box

  • March 14th 2022


    • maintenance and backend improvement updates


    • long state names displayed in the workflow popup are no longer simply truncated but are now displayed with an ellipsis and a tooltip to show the full name on mouse-over

    • resolved a problem displaying the page workflow history

    • fixed a problem that prevented the assignment of a user as a reviewer in the workflow popup and displayed an error

    • update to ensure consistent styles are used across dialog boxes in the user interface

    February 17th 2022


    • resolved a problem that prevented access to the workflow report if the space home page was deleted

    • fixed a bug causing the breakup of the style for some of the app dialog boxes

    February 14th 2022


    • fix to ensure workflow Updated transition works in any instance where Atlassian Confluence generates a long contentID

    • resolved a problem that created duplicate notifications in the Workflow History when initializing states space-wide

    February 9th 2022


    February 2nd 2022


    • fixed a problem that caused inconsistencies in workflow states after a space-wide initialization of the states

    • when adding a workflow, it is no longer applied to the space home page†

    † Previously the workflow was applied to the space home page but due to the limitations of Atlassian Confluence Cloud there was no access to the workflow or display of any workflow breadcrumbs

    January 17th 2022


    • updated approvals report to display details of any content that is under the root level of the space (except space homepage)

    titleRelease Logs 2022

    13th December 2022

    What's New?

    This is our new documentation space for Comala Document Control Approval Cloud!

    We have updated the in-app links to this new documentation space.

    (info) The old documentation space at will no longer be updated for Comala Document Approval Cloud.

    If you have any questions please open a ticket with our support team.


    •  maintenance update to improve stability and performance

    30th November 2022

    What's New?

    New document approvals macro.

    Add one or more document approvals macros to a document to display approval information for a selected approval state. The macro can be configured to display the overall approval status in the approval state, the assignees for the review, each reviewer’s decision status, and the date of the last decision for each reviewer.

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    (blue star) The document approvals macro is compatible with the Confluence page properties and page properties report macros.

    27th September 2022

    What's New?

    New document state page macro.

    Add the document state macro to a document to display one or both of the current approval workflow state and the date the state changed.

    (blue star) The macro is compatible with the Confluence page properties and page properties report macros.

    1st September 2022


    • fixed an issue that caused a document with an applied approval workflow in a Comala Publishing configured target space to be published to an another (un-configured) space when the applied approval workflow on the document in the target space was transitioned to the final state

    23rd August 2022


    • fixed a problem preventing email notifications from being sent for the approval with assignees if one or more of the assignees were invalid (for example the user account is disabled; the user does not have view permission)

    10th August 2022


    •  error handling and logging improvements


    • fixed an issue that caused the 'View approved' byline link to be removed after editing content in the final state

    • Add workflow options displayed on a page are now appropriate to the user permission (admin, edit, view)

    Aug 2nd 2022


    • security improvement limiting permission scopes (adminspace_admin) requested by the app if not required


    • fixed a problem that prevented a user with space admin permission from choosing to delete approval history when removing a page workflow

    June 1st 2022

    What's New?

    To better understand what business case our evaluation customers are seeking to achieve when installing Comala Document Approval the workflow picker now has the option to select a business use option from a drop-down menu before applying the approval workflow.

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    A user can choose the option to Skip the request.

    This business use option will be available in our evaluation version each time the approval workflow is added to the content. It is aimed to help in the development of features within the Comala Document Approval app.

    May 12th 2022

    What's New?

    Users now have the ability to see what workflow is currently added and applied to the page. 

    • new Show workflow option in the workflow popup dialog actions (ellipsis) menu

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    Choosing Show workflow opens a dialog box displaying a visual workflow diagram for the current workflow applied to the content.

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    (blue star) Users can also view the current workflow by choosing the Show workflow option in the page tools menu

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    May 5th 2022


    What's New?

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    (info) Only the Reindex workflows option is displayed if the approval workflow is disabled in the space.

    April 27th 2022


    • maintenance update to improve stability and performance

    April 11th 2022


    • vulnerabilities update

    March 24th 2022


    (warning) Approval History is stored as an attachment to a document. This attachment can still be deleted by a user with edit or admin permission and this will clear the document Approval History for the individual document.

    (info) A space admin will still have the option in the space settings Document Approval dashboard to Clear approval history for all documents in the space.


    • updated Approvals Report to display "You have no approval workflows applied in this space" when no Comalatech approval has been applied to any content in a space

    View file


    titleRelease Logs 2021

    December 16th 2021 


    • fixed a problem in some instances to ensure the display of workflow history where Atlassian Confluence generated long contentIDs (greater than 9007199254740991)


    This is related to an Atlassian issue in some instances where Atlassian generated a long contentID - itcould not be correctly handled by Confluence or certain add-on apps. Atlassian has currently resolved the issue by handling the contentID as a string instead of a number.

    The Comala Document Management family of apps has been updated to be able to handle the contentID as a string as well.

    December 9th 2021


    • maintenance update on the debug tools feature, which is a non-public (dark) feature

    October 28th 2021


    • error handling messages are now displayed when importing or exporting workflow history

    • import/export of workflow history is now logged and traced with a unique Trace id for the request containing details of the

      • user who performed the action

      • Cloud instance

      • space key

      • content id  (if applicable)

      • process type (Export or Import)


    • resolved a problem to ensure that we wait for a successful check for user rights before doing some actions

    October 21st 2021


    • update related to Atlassian Connect installation lifecycle security improvements

    Bugcrowd fix

    • update to prevent users from being able to change the app configuration using the REST API

    October 14th 2021


    • disabled workflow history backup and restore process

    Due to customer feedback, we have temporarily disabled the workflow history backup and restore process.

    Customers that are in the upgrade process should contact us.

    September 27th 2021


    • resolved a problem displaying the workflow content byline

      • after using the Atlassian Cloud to Cloud migration process to move their entire site to a different Confluence Cloud site

      • after using the Atlassian Cloud to Cloud space import process to import a space to another Confluence Cloud site

    September 15th 2021


    • standardized the storage of user and assigner attributes after a workflow action occurs to accountID and displayName - ensures consistency of display in the workflow history


    • resolved a problem displaying changes in space administration when there was a large number of space properties

    August 24th 2021


    • when a user is disabled or deleted, Workflow History will now display the default avatar and a user's full name (as stored as the display name) instead of the Atlassian ID

    • Back up Workflow History dialog close button has been renamed from Cancel to Close to avoid misinterpretation of the action

    • links to summary details of the Last import and the Last export of a workflow history backup now available in Workflow History in the space Document Approval dashboard


    • minor code patches to differentiate between upper and lowercase

    • updated typos in some UI components

    July 26th 2021


    • vulnerability updates


    • resolved a problem that caused resizing of the app global configuration screen

    June 16th 2021


    • You can use the Initialize states option to publish every page in a space to a target space at the same time. Comala Publishing is used to publish content in a space on a page-by-page basis.  However, you can choose to configure the Comla Publishing action on the transition to a specific state

      • the source space page hierarchy is maintained on the publish action to the target space

    • updated space document dashboard UI to include a warning when initializing states if Comala Publishing is installed

      View file

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      "Note: if Comala Publishing is installed & configured for this space, Initializing states when may result in unforeseen publishing of content to the target space"


    • resolved an issue that was preventing the status of pages from being updated in the Approval Report when the workflow was removed at space or page level

    • fixed a problem that when a space admin chose to initialize states, it initialized content to the initial workflow state instead of the state selected in the space settings Document Dashboard dropdown menu

    • resolved a problem that was causing misdirected request logs

    June 8th 2021


    • fixed a problem that caused the approval history to be rendered empty

    May 27th 2021


    • fixed a problem with license validation after the license has expired

    • when no Comalatech workflows are added to a space, the approvals report now displays confirmation that the app is disabled for the space

    May 18th 2021


    • Atlassian Connect framework update

    • updated space Document Management dashboard to remove reminder that enabling e-signature is found in approval settings

    • removed inWebo OTP configuration option


    • updated the approval report to display confirmation message if no Comalatech approval workflow is installed in a space

    • fixed a problem in the previous version link in the page history

    • fixed a typo in the Change state on-screen notification

    • fixed an authentication error when installing the app to a new instance

    April 27th 2021


    • upgraded app security together with improvements in cache management and performance

    • update to support changes in the App migration platform   - see the  Atlassian migration model deprecation

    April 1st 2021

     Maintenance update

    March 31st 2021

     Maintenance update

    February 24th 2021

    Fixed issue in Approvals Report listing when space workflow disabled and other bugfixes


    titleRelease Logs 2019

    November 26th 2019

    Introducing Comala Document Approval (formerly Comala Approvals)

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    The new name unites Comala Document Approval with our other apps in the Comala Document Management family. Renaming the apps makes it easier for our customers to understand how they are related, and better explains their scope and use.  

    This update also includes a bug fix that was preventing page approvals from being added to pages in some situations without resetting the space configuration.

    October 29th 2019

    Bug fix, updates, including:

    • Fix for emojis in approval/assign comments causing an error.

    September 26th 2019

    • Bug fix updates, including:

      • Fix for in page notifications on page approval/rejection

      • Fix on description in the activity history for assigned/unassigned entries.

      • Fix for the state dialog that was showing the internal user ID on assigned users.

    June 13th 2019

    • Improved Approvals Dialog Layout

      The visual design of the Approvals Dialog Pop-up has been improved. It's now easier to use, and is up to date with the latest Confluence styling.

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    March 18th 2019

    • Minor UI updates and Atlassian API changes for GDPR compatibility.
