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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
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A workflow state is a milestone in your workflow process. States can be used to manage each step in your workflow process using the workflow popup and tasks popup accessed through the state name breadcrumb and tasks breadcrumb on the page or blog post.

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A state can be added, removed and edited in a workflow using workflow builder.

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Transitions, approvals and tasks can be added, edited and removed for each state. The state name, description and indicator color can be customized.


State names are case sensitive.

You can set state attributes

  • allow users to add tasks to the page

  • expire on a due date using a duration time or a fixed date


A state includes the state name, state color and description. Transitions from the state and approvals can be added to each state and are edited in the state. Tasks can also be set to be added to the workflow on the the transition to the state.

The state can be added/edited with a number of state attributes, for example, a due date for expiry of the content; the final state; a taskable state to allow a user to manually add a task.

The tasks breadcrumb is only displayed on the page when a task has been added either by the workflow, or manually by a user.

Workflow states are listed in the workflow panel in workflow builder.

Related pages

Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel = "edit-state-wfb" and space = currentSpace ( )

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State names are case sensitive.

There are also a number of reserved characters that cannot be used in a workflow state name such as = # @  { | [.

State panel

Choosing a state displays the state panel for the state.

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The following are displayed in the state panel

  • state name

  • state indicator colored circle

  • workflow

  • state attributes - displayed as a lozenge, for example if the state is taskable; is the final state; hidden from workflow popup (hide from path) progress bar; administrator only to action a transition (hide selection)

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  • the Due Date or Due Date period for the state expiry (if present)

  • number of Transitionsfrom the state

  • number of /wiki/spaces/CDMCD/pages/6969366502 in the state

  • number of Tasks added on transition into the state

Choosing the state name opens the state editor.

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The state editor can be used to set the state attributes parameters.

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Transitions can be added to, edited in or removed from the state (choose Transitions to open the Transitions editor).

Approvals (and the assignment of reviewers) can be added to, edited in and or from the state (choose Approvals to open the Approvals editor).

Tasks can be set to be added by the workflow on a transition into the state (choose Tasks to open the Task editor).

Inspect a state using workflow builder

Choose a state lozenge in the Navigator panel visual flowchart will display the state name and description for the chosen state in the left-hand workflow panel. 

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This displays (as applicable to the state):

  • state parameters – details of any notable parameters (if present for the state), such as taskablefinal or hidefrompath– see: 



This state panel also displays the number of state approvals, transitions and tasks.

You can

  • choose each one to view and edit existing individual named approvals, the transitions or state tasks

  • create a new approval, transition or task by choosing +add  (or choose the number if present)

You can also add transitions, approvals and states by choosing the appropriate button in the navigator panel

State editor

Choose the state name

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This opens the state editor

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In the state editor you can

  • edit the state name (state names are case sensitive)

  • edit or add a description of the state - usually the state names some detail of its use and features

  • customize the state color choosing from a dropdown palette or by the addition of an hexadecimal color

There are some reserved characters that are prohibited in a state name.

State content due date

A due date can be set for the state in the state editor

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This can be a time period starting on transition into the state or on a set date.

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Set the duration for the due date using one of the dropdown options

  • Period -  set a value for a time period in one of the following time units - years/months/days/hours/minutes/seconds

  • ISO 8061 - time period set in a valid ISO 8061 format e.g. P1Y6M for 18 months, P1DT12H30M for 1 day, 12 hours and 30 minutes

  • Value reference - for example the value of a workflow parameter

A fixed date can be set using the popup calendar.

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Ticking the checkbox allows users to edit or remove due date. Note that the due date is reset on each transition in the state.



attribute parameters

In the state editor you can change the


behavor of the state and the workflow popup on the page in the state.

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  • Taskable - enable users to manually add tasks in the state using the page tools menu

  • Final - defines the current state as the final (published) state in the workflow.

Each attribute added to a state are displayed as lozenges in the state panel.

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Adding either the Final or Version completed attribute sets the state indicator color to green to show this is the final workflow state for the content.

Only one state in a workflow can be defined as the final state. Choosing Final in a state will automatically uncheck FInal in any existing states.


Further state attributes can


be set using


options in the  Advanced dropdown checkboxes.

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The workflow popup behavior for the state can be amended by ticking the checkboxes

  • Hide from path - removes the state from the workflow popup progress tracker when the content is in each of other states in the workflow

  • Hide selection - removes all transition options from the workflow popup when content is in the current state except for admin users


  • Version completed


  •  - removes the Final attribute from the state and


  • adds a K15T Scroll Versions app compatible attribute to the state




Version completed if you are using Comala Document Management with K15Ts Scroll Versions app

State approvals, transitions and tasks

The state panel also includes the number of each of the following in the state


  • Approvals – the number of any content reviews (defined by 




  • another state in the workflow

  • Tasks - the number of tasks that will be added by the workflow on the transition into the state


Transitions, approvals and tasks are added to each individual state.


Select each of these components to list the names


for any existing approvals, tasks or transitions



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Choosing the component


name opens the appropriate workflow builder editor panel for each individual named component




Choosing +Add option, for example + Add Approval above, also opens the editor to add a new approval to the state.

Add a new workflow state

One or more states can be added by choosing +Add State.

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Enter the new state name and optionally add

  • a state description (to help your team understand the milestone activities for the content when it is in the workflow state)

  • state expiry or due date and if required check the box to allow users to edit the date

  • state indicator color using either the color palette menu or a hexadecimal color


States can be dragged and dropped in the workflow panel to change the order displayed in the workflow popup progress tracker bar.

Changes made to the order of the states will be reflected in the visual workflow diagram in workflow builder and markup notation in the markup editor but will not change any state transitions.

For any changes, once completed, ensure that you



  • choose Apply in the state editor to confirm the changes for the state


  • choose Save in the navigator panel to add these changes to the workflow


  • select Exit in the Navigator panel to add the updated workflow to the content

Ensure that your state name does not include any prohibited characters.

State names are also case sensitive. For example, a state named MyState will be recognized as a different state to one named mystate.

Related Pages

Edit states


using workflow builder
