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Screen Location: Space Tools → Document Management → Document Management tab

Table of Contents




The space tools document management dashboard allows space admins to add and manage workflows that can be applied in the space.


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A space administrator can manage the available



workflows dashboard

The Space Workflows workflows dashboard is displayed by default in the Document Management dashboard. Any space workflows added to the space will be shown. On creating a new space, this dashboard is empty by default.


  • add an existing workflow from the global workflows dashboard

  • create a new workflow using workflow builder or the markup editor


Space workflows Space - space workflows can be added to a space from the global workflows dashboard as either a global scope workflow or space scope workflow.

  • a global scope workflow remains linked to the global workflow template and only editable in the global workflows dashboard by a global administrator

  • a space scope workflow can be edited in the space and will be unique to the space


Multiple space workflows in a space

Multiple active space workflows (with the same scope in the space and no workflow content label filters or page/blog post filter) are applied in the order in which they appear on the list in the dashboard (, with the first listed workflow will take taking priority). If a

  • global scope


  • workflows added to the space


  • dashboard are listed at the top of the dashboard

  • workflows of the same scope are listed alphabetically


If a global scope workflow is one of the space workflows added to the dashboard (and does not have a content label filter), this will be workflow is applied to all the content in the space even if there are active space workflows with a content label filter. (blue star)


Application of a workflow can be filtered by both a page/blog post content setting for the workflow and a content label filter.

Page Workflows Templates dashboard


  • copying a global scope workflow template and editing the copy (added as a space scope workflow)

  • adding an existing space workflow

  • creating a new workflow


Page workflows A - a page workflow can only be applied by user on the content if there is no space workflow active on that content. If a space workflow is enabled for content with an existing page workflow, the space workflow will be applied.


ONLY one workflow can be active on an individual page or blog post at any one time.

Add an existing workflow

The available workflows include those defined in Workflows - Global, and also any from Import - Space Tools.


This opens the workflow picker.



The workflows displayed in the picker are the workflow templates enabled by a global administrator in the global workflows dashboard.


Select a workflow and choose Next.


Choose Apply to add the workflow to the space.(blue star)

If choosing Link to Global Template there is no option to Apply & Customize. A global workflow template is only editable by the global administrator.

Create a new workflow

In the Document Management Dashboard create a new workflow by


Workflows dashboard listing



Name of a space scope workflow 

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Click on the name to open the workflow inspector to view the description and the workflow visual flowchart.

Choose the tick slider icon to disable the workflow in the space.


Workflow with content label filter

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This workflow specifies a label – it will only apply to content with that label.



Global scope workflow

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You can use a workflow defined at the global level.

As a space admin, if you want to edit a global scope workflow, you must make a copy of it and edit that.

You cannot disable a global scope workflow in the space. You can only Remove it from the space using the option in the ellipsis menu.


See all available workflows for adding to the space  by choosing Workflows - Global (← Global link only shown if you are a Confluence Admin(blue star)


Only workflows enabled by a global administrator in the global workflows dashboard will be available to add to a space.

Space workflow options

Ellipsis/Actions menu

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What it does

As seen on...


Opens the workflow editor.

See: Workflow Authoring Guide


ONLY a menu option for a space scope workflow.

Not displayed for a global scope workflow in the space workflows dashboard.

Initialize States

Transition content to a specific workflow state in the selected workflow. Option to

  • transition to selected state for unprocessed content (for example, newly created content with no workflow activity)

  • transition to selected state and override any existing state for processed content

See: Initialize States

Any active/enabled space scope or global scope workflow


Creates a disabled space scope copy of the workflow.

All workflows


Removes the workflow from the list

  • global scope workflow is removed from space

  • space scope workflow is deleted

All workflows

Remove Warning

If you add a workflow to this screen by copying an existing workflow, or creating a new workflow, then removing it will actually delete it (because it only exists on the Document Management Dashboard).

You'll get a warning like this:.



No warning will be displayed if you choose to Remove a global scope workflow. The workflow is simply removed from the current space but the template is not deleted from the global workflows dashboard.