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excludeSee also


A workflow state with one or more  more approvals added is displayed in the workflow panel with a tick.

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When Select a state is selected in the workflow panel or the (navigator panel) the state editor liststo open the state editor.

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The state editor displays

  • the state name

  • a lozenge for each state parameter (if present) such as taskable, final, hidefrompath)

  • transitions

  • approvals

  • tasks

Simply choose Approvals +add to To add an approval or view existing approvals choose Approvals.

Once an approval is added you will be able to add to the state an Approved and Rejected transition. 

Related Pages

Edit states


Edit workflow approvals using workflow builder

In the state editor, the number of existing approvals in the state will be displayed or if none are present the +add option will be available.

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Choose Approvals to display any existing approvals for the state.

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Either choose a named approval to open the Edit Approvals panel for the approval, or


to add a new approval to the state, choose +Add Approval.

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If no approvals are present, the Edit Approvals panel will be displayed when choosing Approvals.

Reviewer Credentials

Each approval can be set to require user authentication

Open the >Advanced option.

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User authentication (or e-signature) for reviewer can be set to require either:

  • a password

  • a username and password

Users will see


the credentials prompt in the workflow popup if identity authentication is required for the reviewer. 

The Approve and Reject buttons in the workflow popup will be disabled until the user credentials are added. The credentials are validated when an approval decision is made by the user.


A global administrator can set the credentials required for approvals in a workflow

can be set by a global administrator

. Identity authentication can be:

  • Confluence username and password

  • Confluence username and a signing token generated by a third-party app


Conditions can also be set for the approval to be active.

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Customize approval decision buttons

The approval decision buttons display in the workflow popup can be customized.

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Sticky assigned reviewers

The reviewers assigned to an approval can be stored and automatically assigned to the next occurrence of the current approval.

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Reviewer roles

You can also enable reviewers to be able to be given Roles when they are assigned in the workflow popup .

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To amend changes to a state approval, choose Apply.

To avoid the loss of a state update to the workflow you must then:

  • add the changes to the workflow by choosing Save in the Navigation panel.

  • add the updated workflow to the content by selecting Exit in the Navigation panel.

See also

Using Workflow Builder