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The Space Workflows Templates dashboard is displayed by default in the space tools Document Management dashboard.

It can be accessed as an option from the LIst dropdown menu.

It lists all the space and global scoped workflows that are added to the space by space admins to use in Space Mode.

Spaces must be set in Comala Document Management global configuration to allow workflows to be added. Global default for an instance a space admin can add and apply Comala Document Management workflows to ANY space. for content in the space.

Space Mode

If space mode is enabled, to add a space workflow to content requires the space admin to add or create at least one workflow and enable the workflow in the space workflows Document Management Dashboard.

The workflow can be

  • a global scope workflow that cannot be edited by the space admin in the space
  • a space scope workflow that can be edited by the space admin in the space

If a global scope workflow is added to the space it is automatically enabled

  • the global scope workflow will be applied to all space content unless it includes a content label filter or content type filter

iI a space scope workflow is added to the space and enabled will be applied to all space content unless

  • a global scope workflow has been added
  • unless the space scope workflow includes a content label filter or content type filter

Creating a new workflow and adding to the space workflows dashboard

You can create and add a workflow to the Space Workflows dashboard

Global administrator

A global admin can create, import or edit a workflow in the Global Document Management workflows dashboard. Enabled workflows in the global workflows dashboard are listed in the space workflows picker when a space admin chooses to +Add Workflow to the space.

Space administrator

The space administrator can create, import or edit a space scope workflow in the space tools Document Management dashboard.

Space admins cannot edit a global scope workflow added to the space Document Management dashboard but they can remove it or make a copy for editing.

Add existing workflows to the space workflows dashboard

All existing global workflows enabled in Document Management global configuration will be automatically listed in the space workflows picker in the space dashboard. This includes any global workflows imported to the global workflows dashboard via the Import tab.

Space admins can add existing space scope workflows by copying and pasting the markup. 

Editing a space workflow template in the dashboard

A global workflow template copied to the space workflows dashboard as a Space Scope workflow can be edited in this dashboard using workflow builder or the markup editor.

The action menu is not available for a global scope workflow as a global scope workflow can only be edited in the Document Management global workflows dashboard by users with global admin permission.

Space admins can edit a space scope workflow in this dashboard and changes will affect the workflow applied to content.


As seen on...


Opens the markup editor.

See: Workflow Authoring Guide

Space scope workflows ONLY

Enabled workflow. Click to disable the workflow. All active workflows

Disabled workflow. Click to enable the workflow. All disabled space scope workflows

Deletes the workflow template. 

Global and space scope workflows