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Hierarchy Review Workflow

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Hierarchy Team Review workflow

requires v6.0.0+

com.comalatech.workflow.repository.categories.label: Sample


  • Approvers set using workflow parameters

  • Second approval review only active on approval of first review

Hierarchy Workflow Markup

{workflow:name=Hierarchical approval} {workflowparameter:Peer_Reviewers|description=Peers reviewers group|type=group} confluence-users {workflowparameter} {workflowparameter:Managers|type=group} confluence-users {workflowparameter} {state:Draft|approved=For Review} {approval:Submit} {state} {state:For Review|approved=Approved|rejected=Draft} {approval:Peer Review|hasapproval=Submit|selectedapprovers=@Peer_Reviewers@} {approval:Manager|hasapproval=Submit|selectedapprover=@Managers@} {state} {state:Approved} {state} {workflow}

This workflow includes workflow parameters. When applying a space workflow

  • a parameter reference value may only be available for use by the workflow after a workflow process, such as a transition, occurs. For example, the initial state should not include the use of the parameter reference value for a due date or pre-assigned reviewers for approvals to avoid blocking your workflow. Alternatively, you can choose to Initialize states when applying a space workflow

  • the parameter value is retrieved from the space parameters dashboard on first application of a workflow to a page or blog post. This value may be different to the value used in the workflow template