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Add workflow history as an attachment using Attach Activity option
When would I want to use this?
The workflow history for a page is NOT migrated - only the current state of the page is migrated.
However, to retain a record of the workflow history, the Attach Activity utility (available from Comala Document Management 6.18.0 or later) supports the creation of a record of workflow activity for a document as a CSV file. The file is created and automatically attached for each page in a space in your server instance.
The workflow history CSV is then migrated as an attachment for each page. The Attach Activity option needs to be run for each space prior to migrating to cloud.
Attach Activity completion is checked for each space during the pre-migration checks and the affected spaces (with no Attach Activity - status is not set as COMPLETED) are listed and listed in a downloadable CSV file.
Pages with no workflow activity do not have any CSV generated.
Running Attach Activity
Attach Activity is run on a space-by space basis to generate and attach workflow activity history for each individual page with workflow activity in the space.
In a space in your server instance
choose Space Tools
open the Document Management dashboard
choose Attach Activity tab
select Generate CSV
Each time the utility is run, a new Attach Activity CSV file is generated for each page and added as an additional attachment to the page.