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Content review

A content review (an approval) focuses on Approving or Rejecting the content of a page or blog post.

When an approval is added to a state, the workflow popup includes two buttons for a user to undertake an approval decision when the content is in that state.

By default, the approval decision buttons are captioned Approve and Reject. 

The Approve and Reject buttons can be configured to action a content review transition.

Adding reviewers

The workflow popup can be used to assign one or more reviewers to take part in the review (if the approval is configured to allow users to assign reviewers to the review).

Users can also be assigned by the workflow on transition into the content review state.

If reviewers have been assigned, you'll see them listed on the workflow popup, along with their reviews.

When a user is assigned to a review, the status indicator circles will become filled when that user views the page or blog post: