Edit read confirmation
Choose the enabled Read Confirmation in the workflow panel top open the editor.
Users can be assigned to the read confirmation by
- adding one or more usernames in a comma separated list
- adding one or group names in a comma separated list
User will receive a request to undertake the read confirmation each time the workflow undergoes an approve transition to the final state. A user will also see their own outstanding user read confirmation requests in their user profile.
A due date can added for the completion of read confirmations.
This can set as a fixed date (YYYY-MM-DD format) or a period from the time of the approved transition to the final state.
The time period can be
- a value of one of Year(s) / Month(s) / Day(s) / Hour(s) / Minute(s) / Second(s)
- ISO_8061 format e.g. P1Y6M for 18 months; P1DT12H for 36 hours.
The due date value can also be an appropriate value reference.
Check the box to allow users to edit the due date in the read confirmation popup on the content.
Disable read confirmation
In the workflow panel choose the read confirmation green-tick slider.
Confirm the request to DIsable the workflow read confirmation.
The workflow panel will display Read Confirmation as disabled.
Enable read confirmation
If read confirmation is disabled for the workflow, enable read confirmation by choosing Read Confirmation in the workflow panel.
The read confirmation editor will open.
Add any configuration required for the read confirmation.
Choose Enable.
Read Confirmation is enabled for the workflow.
For any changes including disabling/enabling a read confirmation ensure you:
- choose Add in the read confirmation editor to confirm changes for the workflow read confirmation
- choose Save in the navigator panel to add these changes to the workflow
- select Exit in the Navigator panel to add the updated workflow to the content
See also
- Access workflow builder
- Workflow panel in workflow builder
- Edit page layout using workflow builder
- Enable and edit read confirmation using workflow builder
- Edit states using workflow builder
- Edit approvals using workflow builder
- Save as template
- Workflow translator for cloud
- Markup editor in workflow builder
- Edit the workflow using workflow builder
- Edit workflow parameters using workflow builder
- Edit approval reviewers using workflow builder
- Edit tasks using workflow builder
- Edit transitions using workflow builder