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Configure options for publishing content, what content type, content properties, labels, deletion of content in published space, single page publishing


You can configure options for publishing pages and blog posts in a space. Publishing can be single-page publishing and space publishing.

Content publishing can be undertaken for a whole space and for a single page. Publishing will be from the source space to a chosen target space.

Publishing Options include

Publishing options set in Configure


apply to content published via both space Publishand single page



in Comala Publishing v3.1.2 and earlier, the configuration settings options are named Content Options; Space Publishing Options and Display Options.

Configure publishing

Open the space tools Publishing dashboard


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Choose the Configure button

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Publishing scope

Content publishing can be undertaken as a whole space or for a single page.

Publishing configuration can be set in the Publish Space scope or the Publish Page scope.

Settings changed in one publishing scope will also apply to the other scope.

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A space admin can disable single-page publishing for a space.

To disable single page publishing


  • under Single Page Publish


  • move the slider from the green tick to a grey cross

Target space

Target is the current linked space for publishing.

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The target space can be changed using the Target dropdown menu.

Choose the Unlink from ..  option to remove the target space.

Unlinking the target space will not change the content in either the draft space or published space.


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Content to be published can be filtered to publish

  • blog posts
  • pages
  • or both pages and blog posts

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When choosing to publish pages, by default top-level pages are not published

  • check the option to include Top-level pages (the draft space home page and any orphan pages) when publishing


Content to be published can also be filtered by using a sync-label

If Use sync-label is checked you can choose how it will be used.


When using sync-label you can either

  • Publish only content with the sync-label
  • Publish content without the sync label

You can choose to include child pages of a page with the sync-label.

The sync-label can also be set to be ignored for blog posts - all blog posts will then be published if blog posts are set to be published.

You can set Delete sync-label after publishing for all content in the source space after publishing. If set, the sync-label will be removed whether or not you have chosen to use the sync-label as a content filter.


These options allow the choice of the content data to include in the pages and/or blog posts to be published.

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Content labels (except the sync-label) can be included when publishing the content. If choosing to include content labels you can match the labels on the content in the source and published space.

If the Match labels option is checked

  • all existing published content will be updated to match labels on the content in the source space
  • existing source content labels will be removed
  • the sync-label, if present, will be added to the published content

The data can be set to include or exclude

  • source content page restrictions copied from the source content to the published content
  • "What did you change" user update comments

You can also choose to include data related to the ServiceRocket Scaffolding Forms and Templates app


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The published content can be set to have either

  • lastest modification date for the source content
  • the date of publishing

Comala Publishing is compatible with the Comala Document Management Family of Apps. Publishing the content can be set to the corresponding final (published) state in the Comalatech workflow applied to the source content.

You can also choose when publishing to

  • delete all content in the published space that is not in the source space
  • remove all page history form the published content
  • publish all the source congtent not just the content that has been updated

When you first publish a space you may need to set Publish to Delete Pages added in Target Space. This will cause the draft space home page to be published and to become the published space home page. The original home page in the published space is deleted.

If you don't want to publish the draft space home page you can configure the draft space Publish settings to ignore Top-level pages in the draft space for the publishing. This setting also means that any orphan pages in the draft space will not be published.

Display options

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To help identify the source and published content a draft watermark can be added to the source space icon.


You can also choose to enable the addition of publishing status lozenges to your content to help in tracking the current status of your publish space and source space.

If Display Publishing Status Lozenge is checked the publishing status lozenge is displayed on the source space content.


The lozenge on each piece of content




If you are using Comala Document Management which provides its own status lozenges, it is recommended that you disable the display of the Comala Publishing app lozenges in the source space. 


If the  Publish Settings are changed - for example, the option Always Publish is checked - this may cause pages to be displayed as out of sync in View Changes. Content will also be displayed in the published space with an Out of Sync lozenge.

Target space publishing lozenge

The behavior of the publishing status lozenge on the target space content is not affected by the Display Publishing Status Lozenge option.

The publishing status lozenge displayed on the target space content is dependent on the current user Confluence permissions on the content in the source space.

  • lozenges are displayed on the target space if the current user has at least view permission on the source space content

  • lozenges are not displayed if the current user does not have view permission on the source content

The display of the target content link to the source space content is also dependent on the user permission on the source content

Publish Settings Summary


titleConfigure Settings


Publish all content from a source space to a target published space

  • content and state published will be based on current Publishing Settings

Changes to Publish Space scope settings will be applied to Publish Page scope settings.


Publish Page


Publish a single page from a source space to a target published space

  • content and state published will be based on current Publishing Settings

Changes to Publish Page scope settings will be applied to Publish Space scope settings.

Publish Page scope can be enabled/disabled in Settings.

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If disabled, this option lets you restrict space admins to whole-space publish.

If enabled then users can publish individual content even if it is not included in the Publish Options Content Filters for content to be published. For example, if blog posts are not checked in Content Filters they will not be included in any whole space publish but can still be published individually by a user from the page view.


Pages are included in the publish. If not selected, pages are ignored.


If checked

  • only pages with the sync-label will be synchronized

If unchecked

  • the sync-label will not be used to determine content to be synchronized

The sync-label is set by global administrator.

When using the sync-label the synchronization can be customized with the following options

  • Publish content without the sync label will only copy content without the sync label
  • Ignore sync-label for Blog Posts will copy all Blog Posts, Independent of sync-label
  • Include child pages will publish child pages of a page with the sync-label


Checked by default on choosing Use sync-label

If checked

  • only pages with the sync-label will be synchronized
  • Publish content without sync label radio button will be unchecked

If unchecked

  • the sync-label will not be used to determine content to be synchronized
  • Publish content without sync label radio button will be checked

The sync-label is set by global administrator.


If checked

  • Publish content with sync label radio button will be unchecked
  • only pages without the sync-label will be synchronized and pages with the sync-label will not

If unchecked

  • only pages with the sync-label will be synchronized
  • Publish content with sync label radio button will be checked

The sync-label is set by global administrator.


Delete sync-label after publishing


If checked

  • the sync-label is removed from all content in the source space after publishing is complete

This will occur whether or not the sync-label is used.

For example, let's say the sync-label is private and you add the label private to a draft space page. If this option is selected then after the space is published, the private label is removed from the draft space page.




If selected, labels are published on target pages, blog posts, and attachments.

  • if a global sync-label has been set this will not be included


Checking this option causes an exact copy of all labels from a draft page/blog post to be added to the published space page/blog post including any sync-label.

Any existing labels on the content in the published space are removed and replaced by the labels on the content in the draft space. 


if checked Content Properties associated with other plugins will be published.

Page properties are attributes associated with a page usually defined by other apps. See the other app's configuration to determine the prefix of these properties.


If checked

  • publish source page with any added page restrictions
  • page restrictions in published space will be replaced


If active (ServiceRocket Scaffolding app or macros enabled) and checked

  • publish the scaffold data

Note that only the latest version data is published.


Checked by default

  • on publishing, the modification date will be taken from the item (page/blog post/attachment) in the source draft space that is being published
  • Publish date is unchecked


If checked

  • for published pages, blog posts, and attachments the modification date will match the date the publishing occurred
  • Latest modification date is unchecked


If checked

  • publish the version of the content corresponding to the Comala Document Management Family of apps workflow final state
  • content that do not have a final state will not be published

This option only publishes content with a new final/published version since the last time the space was published.


  • only use if a Comalatech workflow is added and applied in the space
  • that if Publish Page scope is enabled (Enable Single Page Publish), individual pages can be published, bypassing the workflow


If selected, content that exists in the public space but not in the source (draft) space (out-of-sync pages) are deleted. If not selected, out-of-sync pages are unaffected. Pages that only exist in the public space are not deleted.

A notification on View Changes shows pages that are out of sync: pages exist in the public space but not in the draft space.


If selected, no new versions are created. Page history is not kept

  • if the page doesn't exist in published space, it will create that page with version 1.  Every time the page is published, that version will be replaced
  • if the page already exists with multiple versions in the published space, it will just replace the most recent version with new content


If unchecked (default)

  • only the elements of content that have changed will be updated in the published space

If checked 

  • all space pages and blog posts are published even if no changes have been made
  • ignores the manifest record (as seen on View Changes) that shows which pages and blog posts need publishing

Note that the View Changes report (the manifest record) may change if publishing options are changed.


Controls the display of the publishing status lozenge on content in the source space

If checked

  • a lozenge for the current status of publishing synchronization is added on pages and blog posts in the source space

Recommend that this be disabled when using Comala Document Management to handle publishing which provides its own status lozenges.



When single page publishing is disabled, the Publish button option is not displayed in the publishing popup on a page.

Configure publishing settings

A target space must be set for publishing. You can link the two spaces either by choosing a target space when in the source space or set the source space from the target space.

Once the two spaces are linked all further configuration is only done in the source space Publishing dashboard.

Child pages (Children Display)

When configuring publishing options in Configure

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Child pages (Children Display)
pageSpace Publishing


- space

