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excludeSee also

Access workflow builder

Workflow builder can be accessed in three ways, depending on where the workflow is stored



Workflow builder accessed through:

Page workflow

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Page Tools Menu if global configuration is Page Workflows Allowed in the space and a page workflow has been added to the content.

Space workflow

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Space settings Space Workflows dashboard (space admins only)

Global workflow

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Global workflows dashboard (global admins only)

Note: in

In space settings Document Management dashboard Page Workflows Templates screen (space admins only) the Edit option for a page workflow accesses the markup editor and not workflow builder.

Using Workflow Builder

Child pages (Children Display)
pageUsing Workflow Builder

Page level

When a workflow is added and applied as a page workflow access workflow builder using the page tools menu.

Choose Page Tools → Edit with workflow builder

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In workflow builder the workflow name is appended with the page level of the workflow template and a page-level workflow icon.

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Note: this

This requires page mode to be active for a space.

Space level

Choose Edit from the ellipsis menu on any template shown on Document Management - space tools or page workflows - space tools.


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In workflow builder the workflow name is appended with the space level of the workflow template and a space level workflow icon.

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Page workflows can also be edited in the Document Management space tools dashboard.

  • choose Page Workflows Templates from the List dropdown menu

  • choose Edit

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The space tools dashboard Edit option for the page workflow only gives access to the markup editor. Workflow builder for page workflows is only accessible by adding a page workflow to content and using the Page Tools menu on the page.

Global level

Global administrators can use workflow builder to inspect and edit global workflow templates.

Choose Edit from the ellipsis menu on any template that is shown on Document Management Configuration - Global Workflows.

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In workflow builder the workflow name is appended with the global level of the workflow template and a global level workflow icon.

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Child pages (Children Display)
pageUsing Workflow Builder

Workflow Authoring Guide
