A space administrator can configure a space to publish pages to a target space in the space settings Publishing dashboard.
To enable publishing the space administrator must add a target space. Publishing is then enabled by default.
Once the target space is added the space administrator can
disable publishing for the space
The space administrator requires space admin permission in both the source space and the target space.
Enable publishing from a space
Once the app is installed in the instance you can enable the publishing of pages between two spaces in the space settings Publishing dashboard.
In the source space settings Publishing dashboard you will first need to add a Target Space.
The target space is the destination space where the pages will be published.
The dropdown menu will list the available spaces to add as the target space. If the current user does not have view and edit permission for a space it not be available in the dropdown menu.
Comala Publishing cannot publish from a space that has already been set as a target space for publishing.
Space settings Publishing dashboard
Once a target space has been configured, in the source space Publishing dashboard the following are both enabled by default
Enable Publishing
Enable single-page publishing
Enable Publishing option manages the ability to publish pages from this source space to your set target space.
Enable single-page publishing allows a user to manually publish the page to the target space (single-page publishing). A Publish button is displayed on each page in the source space in the publishing popup.
Disabling Publishing will disable Single-page publishing.
Space publishing is only displayed when Enable Publishing is checked. The Publish space button allows a space administrator to publish all the pages in the space.
Comala Publishing is designed to publish pages to an “empty” target space (except for the space homepage). Although a space with existing pages can be configured as a target space, if you set a target space that has some existing title pages that are the same as in the source space, this can cause publishing issues.