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Add a macro read confirmation

Add a read confirmation to a page or blog post

On a draft page add the read-confirmation macro. 

EITHER type the shortcut /read confirmation and choose Read Confirmation macro.

OR select the macro browser from the page dropdown menu and, search for and choose the Read Confirmation macro.

Edit the read confirmation macro configuration

Check the option boxes to configure the display of the macro on the page.

The configuration changes are displayed on the draft page.

To add the macro to the published page choose Publish.

The content is displayed with the added

  • read confirmation byline breadcrumb

  • read confirmation bar

The Assign button and byline breadcrumb can be used to open the read confirmation popup.

The read confirmation text status message will be contextualized to the current user and the read confirmation progress (whether current user is assigned; user has confirmed; read confirmation status).


Choose Assign to open the read confirmation popup to assign one or more users as a reader for the read confirmation.

When a user has been assigned

  • the macro display will be updated with an overall read confirmation status lozenge PENDING, PARTIAL, CONFIRMED

  • read confirmation bar will display read confirmation text information contextualized for the current user

  • the page subtitle read confirmation byline will be updated with the current overall status

In the example below, the read confirmation is PENDING as other users have been added as readers and no reader has yet confirmed.

On the content

  • byline breadcrumb updated to Pending in the page subtitle

  • PENDING lozenge added to read confirmation bar

Choose the See Who button to open the read confirmation popup to view the current read confirmation request progress for each reader or add/remove readers.

Working with Read Confirmations