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Use a Comala workflow trigger event to publish a page


Comala Publishing can be used with Comala Document Management for Confluence Cloud to publish content using a Comala workflow trigger event.

In the instance you need to have installed

You must have

  • added a target space for the published content in the space settings of the draft space

  • an active Comala workflow on the draft page content that includes a workflow trigger that includes the publish-page action

  • view and edit permission for both the draft space and the target space for publishing

Pages can also be published using a Comala workflow and Comala Publishing when an applied workflow transitions to the workflow final state.

BUT If a publish trigger is added to the workflow, a workflow transition to the workflow final state (if present) will not publish the page.

A page in any state can also be published using the standalone publishing option.

Adding a trigger event to publish a page

If a user wants to publish using a different workflow event than "when reaching the workflow final state" the user can edit a custom workflow and add a JSON markup for a trigger using workflow builder. 

In the workflow below, the Second-Publish state is the workflow final state.

We could apply this workflow to a page in a draft space Human Resources Draft and Comala Publishing would publish and sync the document on each workflow transition to the Second-Publish state.

The workflow can be edited to add the following trigger markup. This would action publishing of the content on a transition to the First-Publish state instead of the transition to the final state (the Second-Publish state).

[{"event": "on-change-state", "conditions": [ {"state": "First-Publish"} ], "actions": [ {"action": "publish-page"} ] }]

The trigger markup can be added to a custom workflow using the Comala Document Management visual editing tool workflow builder.

Once the updated workflow with the trigger is added and applied the content is published to the target destination space on each occurrence of the trigger event - the transition to the First-Publish state.

On the page, a popup allows a user to approve the content to action the workflow transition to the First-Publish state.

The workflow publish-page trigger action occurs on the change of workflow state.

The page is published to our configured target space Human Resources Published.

When a publish-page trigger is added to a workflow, the publish action on the workflow transition to the final state is not actioned. In our example, the Second-Publish state is the final state and a transition to the Second-Publish state would not cause the page to be published.

Details of Comala JSON trigger events and the publish-page trigger action are available in the Comala Document Management product documentation including

Although the Comala Document Management family of apps can be applied to both pages and blog posts, Comala Publishing can only publish page content. Any blog post with a Comala workflow applied will simply be ignored by the Comala Publishing app.

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