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Publish a page on transition to a Comala workflow final state


In addition to standalone publishing of content using Comala Publishing you can publish a page from a source draft space by transitioning the content to the final state in an applied Comala workflow.

In the instance you need to have

You must have

  • added a target space for the published content in the space settings of the draft space

  • an active Comala workflow on the content and the workflow must include a final state

  • view and edit permission for both the draft space and the target space for publishing

Content in any state can also be published using a Comala workflow by

The publish trigger option is only available when using the app with Comala Document Management for Cloud by editing the workflow to add the trigger JSON markup.

A page in any state can also be published using the standalone publishing option. 

Publish a page

Publishing a page occurs on a transition of the workflow on the page to the workflow final state.

Only one state in a workflow can be set as the workflow final state.

In the example below the final state in this workflow is the Approved state.

The content in the draft space transitions to the final state of the applied workflow.

Additional on-screen messages confirm the publication of the current content to the target space defined in the space settings Publishing dashboard.

Navigate to the target space to view the published content and the location in the hierarchy.

If the page is the first to be published in the target space, it is copied to the root of the target space.

An on-screen message in the draft space will warn the user that the current page has been copied to the root of the target space. The target space is identified by the space key in the message.

Where possible the publishing of content to the target space will maintain the hierarchy of the draft space.

If a child page receives approval prior to the parent page and the workflow triggers a page publishing action, this page may be published to the root folder of your target space instead of its proper/desired location

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