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Document Activity Workflow Usage Statistics API endpoints

DATA CENTER Document Activity REST API



The Document Activity Workflow Usage Statistics REST API can provide insightful usage statistics of your workflows and related users from the following endpoints

Approval Approved Stats

This endpoint retrieves the time elapsed for a specific approval to get approved (on average, maximum time, minimum time)

  • http://<confluencehostname>/rest/cw/2/documentactivity/usage/approval

Approval Assignee Approving Stats

This endpoint retrieves the time spent by a given assignee to approve approvals (on average, maximum time, minimum time)

  • http://<confluencehostname>/rest/cw/2/documentactivity/usage/assignee

State Completion Stats

This endpoint retrieves the time a given state spends before transitioning into the next one (on average, maximum time, minimum time)

  • http://<confluencehostname>/rest/cw/2/documentactivity/usage/state


The requests have mandatory and optional filters.

Approval Approved Stats Filters

  • Mandatory Filters

    • approvalName name of the approval from which to gather stats

    • usageTimeEstimation "min", "max" or "avg" to indicate if the statistic required is the minimum/maximum/average time it takes to get it approved

  • Optional Filters

    • spaceKeys list of space keys over which to apply the search

    • stateName name of state where that approval is (useful in case the same approval name is used in different states)

    • fromdate indicates that the actions must have taken place after it

    • todate indicates that the actions must have taken place before it

Approval Assignee Approving Stats Filters

  • Mandatory Filters

    • assignee name of the user from which approval related stats want to be gathered

    • usageTimeEstimation "min", "max" or "avg" to indicate if the statistic required is the minimum/maximum/average time it takes for that user to get any approval, or a specific approval, approved

  • Optional Filters

    • approvalName name of a specific approval the user is approving

    • spaceKeys list of space keys over which to apply the search

    • stateName name of state where the user is approving

    • fromdate indicates that the actions must have taken place after it

    • todate indicates that the actions must have taken place before it

State Completion Stats Filters

  • Mandatory Filters

    • stateName name of state from which to gather stats

    • usageTimeEstimation "min", "max" or "avg" to indicate if the statistic required is the minimum/maximum/average time the given state spends until it transitions into the next one

  • Optional Filters

    • spaceKeys list of space keys over which to apply the search

    • fromdate indicates that the actions must have taken place after it

    • todate indicates that the actions must have taken place before it


Depending on the usage of the space optional filter, the following user permissions are required:

  • No space provided: Confluence Global Administrator permission is required

  • Space/s provided: Confluence Space Administrator permission over ALL the provided spaces is required

If the request contains a space over which the user making the request does not have enough permissions then the response will be deemed a bad request and include details about the spaces over which the user does not have enough permissions.

Workflow Usage Statistics REST API documentation

The document activity workflow usage statistics REST API is provided as Open API (Swagger) Documentation.