This example requires that you have the ServiceRocket Scaffolding Forms and Templates app and the ServiceRocket Reporting for Confluence app installed.
- if the reporting app is not installed, the value retrieved will be empty
First, complete the following ServiceRocket list-data tutorial: Using Confluence User Names as Options
The Supplier References to the three lists are as follows:
@data:Project Manager@ @data:Developers@ @data:Tech Writers@
Note that the list names are case-sensitive, and must be typed exactly as defined in the Scaffold.
Sending emails to users defined in Scaffolding list-data
You could use these references in conjunction with the {send-email}
macro, for example:
{workflow:name=List email} {state:Editing|submit=Review} {state} {state:Review} {state} {trigger:statechanged|state=Review} {send-email:user=@data:Project Manager@,@data:Developers@,@data:Tech Writers@|subject=Review started} Please review @pagelatest@ {send-email} {trigger} {workflow}
The scaffolding data will always be returned from the latest version of the content. Be aware that this version can be a draft content state in the applied workflow.