Bringing Comala Lists to the next level
Already have some Comala Lists?
make them more functional and better looking with and install Comala Boards!
Already have Comala Boards?
then install Comala Lists to increase the flexibility and functionality of Comala Boards Lists to organize, categorize, and visualize your pages with configurable lists and manage labels
3rd party app integration
Comala Boards Lists can be globally configured to use different metadata models and hence with third-party apps that use these models.
Comala Metadata app
The default metadata model is the use the structure of the Comala Metadata app
ServiceRocket Scaffolding app
Comala Boards Lists can be configured to use as the metadata model the structure of the ServiceRocket scaffolding metadata model.
The minimum required version of the ServiceRocket Scaffolding Forms and Templates app is v8.25.2.
The app can also be configured to use a tabular metadata data model of Confluence page properties (Read-only).