Non-admin users that check a page in a Comala Publishing target space cannot see a page. Instead the user is displayed an on-screen message, either
You have not enough permissions to view this page or Page not found
Phantom permissions are present on the page in the destination target space.
the permissions (if any) on the draft source space are clearly met by the non-admin user accessing the page
a space administrator or global administrator accessing the same page can view it but the padlock symbol of permissions is shown as if the page has inherited permissions, but no information about the permissions is provided
republishing the space sometimes solves the issue
this is a recurring problem for the page
If you come across this problem, you will need to use a hidden action to reorder the pages in the page tree affected by the phantom permissions.
Hidden action
The hidden action identifies and reorders these pages automatically - setting the position for these pages elsewhere and then sets them back in their original position in the target destination space.
The hidden action forces Confluence to recheck the permissions inheritance for these page and set them correctly.
phantom permissions identified in the publishing destination target space
phantom permissions identified in multiple pages in the space
user running the action has at least space administrator permission
If this problem is occurring on just one page, it is quicker and simpler to reorder that page manually
This actions a long running task that will reorder the affected pages to force their permissions to be set correctly.
As a space administrator
access the following hidden action providing the key of the space (target space)
choose the Reorder button
If the action is allowed in the space a long running task will begin
This operation is not allowed in a space that is not a target space
a progress bar provides detail of the progress
Once the task has finished details are provided for the number of pages processed successfully/unsuccessfully.