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This example shows how to use a trigger with the send-email macro to send a custom email notification that includes the {pageactivity } macro, or a link to the Activity Report - Content.


To include a link, use the @pageactivity@ Predefined reference:

Code Block
{workflow:name=Email activity link}
      {send-email:user=@author@|subject=@pagetitle@ submitted for review|mimetype=text/html}
         The @type@ @pagelatest@ has been submitted for review by @user@.
         For details, see: @pageactivity@


To include the report, use the {pageactivity} macro  macro in the email body:

Code Block
{workflow:name=Email activity link}
      {send-email:user=@author@|subject=@pagetitle@ submitted for review|mimetype=text/html}

The report displayed in the body of the email will display

  • only the last three page activities, and

  • a link to the page activity report for the content


Adding the report or a link to the report is useful to include in a custom notification when assigning a reviewer.

Code Block
     {send-email:user=@approvalassignees@|subject=@pagetitle@ submitted for review|mimetype=text/html}
        @page@ requires your approval with recent activity @pageactivity@
