Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


On the content, the current state is shown in the workflow status bar


filled circle means you as the current user, are assigned to a content review in that state.


  • the default color for each workflow status indicator circle is blue

    . This


This default blue color indicates that there is no final state in the workflow and all states are considered as draft by the workflow with no workflow restriction for view only users

  • the colored state indicator circle will be green if the current state has been defined as the /wiki/spaces/CDMCD/pages/6969366486 in the workflow

  • with a /wiki/spaces/CDMCD/pages/6969366486 in the workflow, the indicator circles for all other states in the workflow are colored orange and considered as workflow draft states (unless a custom state color has been added)


A workflow with a final state and default workflow visibility, only allows view-only users to view the document version created on the the last transition to the final workflow state.

In detail

Learn more about the current state in the workflow popup


In context for the page

See state transitions in context of other actions in the Activity Report - Content


In context, document actions for the current user

See current pending document actions for tasks and approvals in the instance for the current user in the My Comala Document Documents Action Report in the user profile


In summary

Get a summary of workflow states for all content in a space using the Document Managment Management Report


With macros

Add your own reports:

With search filters

Use workflow filters in Confluence search:

Requires Confluence 5.8 or above.
