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Wiki Markup

Importing workflows

Find out how to Import Workflows

Lightweight Requirements Management workflow

requires v3.0.4+









.label: Document Management|Systems Development Life Cycle

-Image Added

A simple lightweight workflow for managing Software Requirements

  • workflow is only applied to content in the space that has the label requirement

  • for each requirement page you can select the priority, category and owner, as well as to define links to the actors (users)

  • to ensure consistency, the workflow has defined a template header. This includes a table that retrieves the workflow parameters values as metadata for the content

Lightweight Requirements Workflow Markup
Code Block
{workflow:name=Lightweight Requirements Management workflow|label=requirement}
A simple lightweight workflow for managing Software Requirements. For each requirement page you can select the priority, category and owner, as well as to define links to the actors.
        || State | {get-metadata:state>name} |
        || Priority | {get-metadata:Priority} |
        || Category | {get-metadata:Category} |
        || Owner | {get-metadata:Owner} |
        || Actor | {get-metadata:Actor} |
    {workflowparameter:Categories|description=List of categories}
        Category 1, Category 2, Category 3
    {workflowparameter:Category|type=list|options=<at:var at:name="Categories" />|edit=true}
        Category 1
    {workflowparameter:Priority|type=list|options=High, Medium, Low|edit=true}
        <at:var at:name="




    {state:Not Started|submit=In Progress|taskable=true}
    {state:In Progress|submit=Complete|taskable=true}
        {set-state:Not Started}



In later versions of Comala Document Management referencing elements  using <at:var at:name="Categories" /> should be replaced with simply @Categories@

Lightweight Requirements Process
