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The Add one or more document activity macro can be added macros to a document (page or blog post) to display dynamic information for the document activity for the workflow on a page.


The version includes a link to the document version.

The Configure the macro can be configured to display a different data columns and the maximum number of document activity entries.


Adding the macro to a page

Edit the page and type /doc and select the document approval activity macro option.


Choose Document Activity to add the macro to the draft page.<add draft page macro screenshot


Any current document activity is previewed in the macro on the draft page if a workflow is active on the page.

The default number of document activity entries displayed in the report is 25.


Configuring the macro

The macro can be configured to display a maximum number of document activity entries for the document.


On the published document, the document activity for the current document will be displayedis displayed if a workflow has been applied to the document.

If no workflow is currently applied or there is no document activity


an empty report is displayed


(info) Document does not have a workflow applied.”on the published document.


The maximum number of document activity entries can be set for the report. The maximum number to be shown in the macro report is 100.
If there are more entries than the set maximum limit the macro will display

  • up to the defined limit of entries

  • together with the following message with a link to the document activity report on the page with the additional entries



Showing most recent entries. There are more records in the Document Activity.”

Use with other macros


The document activity macro is compatible with the Confluence Page Properties macro and the Page Properties Report macro.

On the draft page, add the document activity macro as a table value in the page properties macro.<page properties example screenshot>


Configure the document activity macro to select the document activity data to be displayed for each entry and the number of document activity entries.

The page properties report macro can then be added to a page to report on the added values.<page properties example screenshot>


Exporting pages to pdf and Word


The document activity macro table of information is included when exporting to pdf or Word.<export to pdf example screenshot>


  • user avatars are not included in the pdf or Word export

  • links are included to the Confluence version related to each document activity entry

Only the number of document activity entries specified in the macro configuration are included in the export. The link to the full Document Activity Report is not included in the pdf.

In the pdf and Word export the date is in UTC format.

