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Add a JSON trigger using workflow builder


One or more trigger actions can be set for a named event in the workflow.

When the workflow trigger event occurs the trigger will check that any required conditions are met, and if met, the "change-state" action forces a change of the state.



The trigger action "change-state" causes a change of the state to the specified state if the provided parameters are valid.

  • action (change-state)

  • state (string) ❗️ State to move into

❗️ indicates a mandatory parameter - the "state" parameter and its value for the destination state must be added for the trigger action

Code Block
	{"event": "on-change-state",
		{"final": "true"}
		{"action": "change-state",
			"state": "Review"}

(info) If adding the JSON trigger


using workflow builder there is no need to include the opening "triggers": JSON markup notation, since it will be added by workflow builder.


 The destination state must be


Related Pages

  • JSON Triggers
  • JSON Trigger events
  • JSON Trigger examples
  • included for the "change-state" action.

    Trigger actions

    Child pages (Children Display)
    pageJSON Trigger actions