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{repository-workflow:dm.remotepublishing|categories=sample,docmanagement|chart=remotepubworkflow_850px.png} {repository-description:name=Remote Publishing Workflow} {note}Remote publishing requires the [Remote Publishing Plugin|].{note} This workflow allows one-way synchronization of a remote confluence instance. Please visit the [workflow's page|] for instructions on how to set up the _private_ and _remote_ instances. * Content that is Published can be removed using the Remote Publishing app. * When content is removed from the remote published instance, the Remote Publishing app transitions this content to the Removed state in the workflow. {repository-description} {workflow-body}
Wiki Markup

Importing workflows

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Remote Publishing workflowrequires v3.0.2+
com.comalatech.workflow.repository.categories.label: Document Management|Sample

-Image Added

This workflow allows one-way synchronization of a remote confluence instance.

You must set up the private and remote instances - see Workflow and Remote Space.

Content that is Published can be removed using the Remote Publishing app

  • when content is removed from the remote published instance, the Remote Publishing app transitions this content to the Removed state in the workflow.

Code Block
titleRemote Publishing Workflow Markup
{workflow:name=Remote Publishing}
	This workflow allows one-way synchronization of a remote confluence instance. Please visit the [workflow's page|] for instructions on how to set up the _private_ and _remote_ instances.
    {state:Draft|submit=For Review}
    {state:For Review|approved=Published|rejected=Draft}
    {state:Published|final=true|updated=For Review}
        {set-message:type=note}Page publishing pending...{set-message}
    {trigger:statechanged|state=For Review}
        {set-message:type=note}Page publishing pending...{set-message}
    {trigger:newsstatechanged|state=For Review}
        {set-message:style=info}Page Published!{set-message}
        {set-state:For Review}
        {set-message:user=<at:var at:name="user" />|style=warning}publishing failed: <at:var at:name="errormessage" />{set-message}


(warning) In later versions of Comala Document Management variable references using the syntax <at:var at:name="errormessage" /> can be replaced by simply using the variable name enclosed in the @ symbols, for example @errormessage@

Workflow and remote space

You must have set up

  • a remote public Confluence instance for publishing the approved content.
  • a private Confluence instance for the content that will be published.

Comala Document Management and Comala Remote Publishing must be installed in the private instance.

Content removed in the published instance will transition to the Remove state in the private instance. 


If you want all the existing pages in the space to be published remotely, then you need to set the state of all pages to the Published state. you can do this through State initialization feature of ad hoc workflows:.

Depending on the size of the space, publishing the entire space will take a few minutes.
