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A workflow parameter reference can be used to allow an applied workflow to indirectly access a value that can be set elsewhere, for example in the space tools Parameters dashboard or a workflow parameter value set by a user on the page.


In the workflow markup the workflow parameter is defined by the the workflowparameter  macromacro.

Where can they be used?

You can use parameter references in the following situations


In the example below, a parameter called "The Message" is referenced as "@The Message@" in the body of the the set-message macro which is triggered by transitioning to the Stop state.


The value for an editable workflow parameter is changed by a user on the page

The value will be used when the next workflow event occurs that references the workflow parameter but

  • the new value may not be availablefor use by the workflow in the current state

  • the new value will then only be available for use by the workflow after a transition occurs

The value for an editable workflow parameter is changed by the space administrator in the the parameters dashboard

The value will be used when the workflow is first added to content but

  • the value will not be available in the initial state of the workflow on applying the workflow until a workflow event has occurred

  • the value is not updated on content where the workflow is already applied

  • the value is not updated when the workflow cycles back to the initial state

The workflow parameter value may only be available for use by the workflow after a workflow process has occurred, for example, after a transition occurs from the initial workflow state.


Code Block
{approval:Check Review|user=&@Editor@,admin}

This occurs because when a workflow is first applied to a page as a space workflow

  •  only the link to the workflow is created (and any page restrictions, if using using same-space publishing, are applied)

  • the page (or blog post) itself won't actually transition into the initial workflow state, despite it appearing that way when you look at the the workflow status bar

In the Document Activity Report - Content for the content, you'll see that there are no workflow-specific entries listed. These pages are referred to as "unprocessed".

  • assigning a reviewer is a workflow process and it will use the workflow parameter value

  • pre-assigned reviewers will not use the workflow parameter value until after a workflow process had occurred such as a transition


Use an initial state to


set workflow parameter


value for


pre-assigned reviewers

In the example below, we are using a workflow parameter reference, Editor, to set the pre-assigned reviewer for an approval. The workflow is applied as a space workflow.


A space admin can also change the parameter value using the space tools Parameters dashboard before any workflow activity has taken place or a user has set up the parameter value.
