Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


Once the Comala Document Approval App is added to the page, the initial state of the content is considered to be a draft version and will be set by default to content version .

This initial approval workflow state is, by default, the Image ModifiedReview state.


Any content that is in the Image ModifiedRejected state will also be considered as a draft version.

Only the Image RemovedApproved state  can be seen by users with View-only permissions for the page.

Content in the Image AddedApproved state is considered as the approved content version. If the content is updated when in the Image AddedApproved state, the approval workflow transitions to the draft Image AddedReview state.

(blue star) The Comala Document Approval workflow will treat treats the approved version of content differently to draft (non-approved) versions:



Draft content

Content in the Image AddedReview or the Image AddedRejected state is considered to be draft content. By default

  • users with View-only permission can't see draft content versions - content in either the Review or Rejected state

  • users with View-only permission will only see the most recently published

    version – they can't see draft versions.

    version (if one has been created)

Users who have Edit or Admin permission can see


If both approved and draft versions are available, you will see an additional link, in parentheses, on the content byline item:

Image Removed


You will see similar breadcrumb links if you are viewing the current Image RemovedRejected state and there is an Image RemovedApproved version:

Image Removed




the content when it is in either of these two draft states.

If the content has previously been approved, a link to the latest approved version is added to the draft state content byline.


This approved version has a link back to the current draft version.


(blue star) These links to the draft/approved content are displayed in the content byline when there is both a draft version and an approved version available, However the content will be in one of the draft workflow approval states. The Image AddedApproved breadcrumb displayed on the approved version does not provide access to the approval workflow popup. 

Approved content

Only the latest approved content can be seen by users with View-only permission for the page. The workflow content byline is not displayed.


This version will be displayed to a user with View-only permission irrespective of the current approval workflow state for the content.

If the content is currently in the Image AddedApproved state, a user with edit or admin permission will see the workflow content byline and be able to access the approval workflow popup.



If you require fully secure publishing of content, you need to use Comala Document Management/wiki/spaces/AWPD/pages/6428167733 and space publishing to get the full Confluence permissions involved. In Comala Document Approval, View View-only users will be directed to the approved version of the content.

User Guide

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