Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  • Formatting was changed.



Updates are made periodically and will automatically be available in your Confluence Cloud instance.


  • an individual user cannot now clear Workflow History from an individual page - the Reset Workflows buttonhas been removed from the page Workflow History report report

(warning) Workflow history is stored as an attachment to a page. This attachment can still be deleted by a user with edit or admin permission and this will remove the Workflow History for the individual page.

(info) A space admin will still have the option in the  space settings Document Control dashboard to Clear workflow history for all documents in the space.


  • long state names displayed in the workflow popup are no longer simply truncated but are now displayed with an ellipsis and a tooltip to show the full name on mouse-over
  • resolved a problem displaying the page workflow history
  • fixed a problem that prevented the assignment of a user as a reviewer in the workflow popup and displayed an error
  • update to ensure consistent styles are used across dialog boxes in the user interface



December 16th 2021 


  • fixed a problem in some instances to ensure the display of workflow history where Atlassian Confluence generated long contentIDs (greater than 9007199254740991)

This is related to an Atlassian issue in some instances where Atlassian generated a long contentID - itcould not be correctly handled by Confluence or certain add-on apps. Atlassian has currently resolved the issue by handling the contentID as a string instead of a number.

The Comala Document Management family of apps has been updated to be able to handle the contentID as a string as well.

December 9th 2021


  • maintenance update on the debug tools feature, which is a non-public (dark) feature


  • update to prevent users from being able to change the app configuration using the REST API

October 14th 2021


  • disabled workflow history backup and restore process

Due to customer feedback, we have temporarily disabled the workflow history backup and restore process.

Customers that are in the upgrade process should contact us.

September 27th 2021



  • We have removed the ability to edit workflows for new installs only
    • a new install of Comala Document Control for Confluence Cloud will not have the workflow builder or the option to edit or add JSON markup. 
    • If you need the ability to fully customize a workflow please use Comala Document Management for Confluence Cloud
  • For existing installs there are no changes; the ability to edit a workflow, access workflow builder and edit/add JSON markup is still available
    • for users requiring help in an existing install of the Comala Document Control app, workflow builder documentation is available here


  • updated the workflow report to display confirmation message if no Comalatech approval workflow is installed in a space
  • fixed a problem in the previous version link in the page history
  • fixed a typo in the Change state on-screen notification
  • fixed an authentication error when installing the app to a new instance

April 27th 2021


  • upgraded app security together with improvements in cache management and performance
  • update to support changes in the App migration platform   - see the  Atlassian migration model deprecation

April 1st 2021

 Maintenance update


Earlier Release History

titleReleases 2020

December 23rd 2020

Bugfix release

  • fixes some problems when showing pre-assigned reviewers (reviewers assigned by using the workflow builder as shown below) on the Workflow Report


December 16th 2020

We are introducing some security improvements onto the current approvals configuration different setting options.

  • Anyone can approve (no restrictions)
    • from now on, approvals with the configuration Anyone can approve (no restrictions) won't be assignable anymore
    • workflow state dialog will NOT ALLOW reviewers assignation

  • Users can be assigned through the (workflow popup) UI
    • this option allows manual assignation of reviewers by using the workflow state dialog. This will remain working the same as now. → So It will still be possible to leave the approval with no assignees or assign specific reviewers:

Workflow state dialog will ALLOW the assignment of reviewers, but you can add users in the approval editor to allow PRE_ASSIGNMENT of reviewers.

A user with VIEW & EDIT permissions over the content will view enabled approve/reject buttons but these approve/reject buttons are disabled if a user has been assigned but the current logged-in user is NOT ASSIGNED to the approval.

  • Set all reviewers that have to approve
    • from now on, approvals with this configuration won't be assignable anymore. It'll still be mandatory to pre-assign the set of reviewers to the approval

    • workflow state dialog will NOT ALLOW the assignment of reviewers. A user accessing the content who is not assigned as a reviewer will see the approve/reject buttons disabled (greyed out)

October 15th 2020

Now you can set a minimum number of approvals/rejections (whatever happens first) for the approval to transition even when the approval setting is defined as "Set all reviewers that have to approve" (up until now you could set a minimum just for the other two approval settings).

September 16th 2020

Feature update

  • New feature available that allows you to automatically remove page restrictions when the page reaches the final state in the workflow, by simply accessing Document Control under your Space Settings.

If you prefer to invoke the action manually by editing the JSON triggers, you can view the documentation here.

Also included are some bug fixes:

  • Fixed bug with multiple approvals not working
  • Fixed email notifications for automatically pre-assigned users and groups

August 25th 2020

Update and bugfix release

  • multiple UI enhancements
  • some bug fixes

August 17th 2020

Update and bugfix release

  • added support for option select workflow parameter type. This allows you to set up a list of valid options to select from
  • we've made some tweaks for all parameter types at the space configuration screen
  • also fixed bugs and made some tweaks for all parameter types at the space configuration screen

August 4th 2020

Bugfix release

  • fixed an issue where approving a page with a pre-assigned group was not working
  • fixed an issue where the workflow report was not showing correct data - it now searches on every user action

July 14th 2020

Fixed an issue with user first and last names that had special characters

June 15th 2020

Update to the handling of expired subscriptions to improve error messages where app functionality will not be available.

June 4th 2020

The workflow report has been renamed from Document Report to Workflow Report. Sidebar link and report title amended.

June 2nd 2020

Bug fix updates for the pagination on the signing token global administration and filter options in the Document report.

May 26th 2020

Updated the minimum approver option behavior to work with assigned users.  Now when multiple people are assigned to the approval it will be considered approved (or rejected) as soon as the minimum number has been reached, not waiting for all the assignees.

May 19th 2020

Trigger markup can now be viewed and edited in the Document Control workflow builder without needing to go into full markup editing mode.

May 18th 2020

New Welcome Tour feature added with useful information and links for new users.

May 15th 2020

Option to enable anonymous user usage tracking added to the global admin configuration menu

Note: This option is only available for paid licenses, not during the trial license period.  Site-wide feature usage statistics will still be compiled by Comalatech for all license types to help understand usage trends and prioritize future feature development.

May 14th 2020

A fix in the workflow builder so that states that are referenced in triggers can have their names changed.

April 24th 2020

Resolved issue with email notifications for approvers on the QMS workflow.

April 7th 2020

In this update, e-signatures can now be configured to work on any approval.

(Please note if you are using the existing Quality Management System workflow the e-signature setting will default to true on the approvals when you first make customizations to this workflow.)

April 6th 2020

Customizable workflows are here.  You can now make changes to the workflows in each space; add states, approvals and transitions to exactly match your business process.

April 1st 2020

Approvals using e-signatures are now identified in the workflow history.

Adding more than 7 approvers to an approval will now work correctly with the addition of a scrollbar on that screen.

March 17th 2020

Refreshed look for the workflow progress tracker.

Other minor bug fixes including

  • Fixed an issue where the space home page was appearing in the document report
  • Fixed an issue where only 7 approvers could be selected
  • Approval buttons will be now disabled if the user has already approved

Feb 27th 2020

Fixed an issue with the time format of expiration date in the workflow report

Feb 5th 2020

Resolved a long-standing issue sending email notifications when a page reaches the expiration date on the content expiry workflow.

January 8th 2020

Change to the way the e-signature approvals are handled.  Now users will need to generate a token using a third-party app rather than their Atlassian password as part of the approval process. For guidance, see Setting up an approval signing token.

titleReleases 2019

November 26th 2019

Introducing Comala Document Control (formerly Comala Workflows Lite)

The new name better describes the scope and use of the app. While workflows will continue to play an important role, Comala Document Control offers much more than just approval workflows. Teams are not only using our app to add approvals, they’re using it to add formal document control to their pages. Comala Document Control tells a much more complete story about what our apps can do.

October 29th 2019

Bug fix, updates, including:

  • Fix for emojis in approval/assign comments causing an error.

October 15th 2019

Bug fix updates, including:

  • Fixed a problem with workflow parameters when moving a page to another space.

October 4th 2019

Bug fixing:

  • Now Workflow History shows that workflow was initialized to a state from Space Configuration

September 26th 2019

  • New feature:
    • Added a new button to enable/disable the E-Signature on the QMS workflow:

  • On new installations workflows will not be enabled in all spaces.  A workflow must be selected in space administration before it will become active.
  • Bug fix updates, including:
    • Fix for in page notifications on page approval/rejection
    • Fix on description in the activity history for assigned/unassigned entries.
    • Fix for the state dialog that was showing the internal user ID on assigned users.

August 16th 2019

  • Bug fix updates, including:
    • Improvements to expiry transition processing so it will happen next time the page is viewed if a webhook is missed.
    • Fixed a problem reading some old workflow parameter values that were created with an earlier release.

June 13th 2019

  • Improved Approvals Dialog Layout

    The visual design of the Approvals Dialog Pop-up has been improved. It's now easier to use, and is up to date with the latest Confluence styling.

    Added a progress tracker to see the current state within the full workflow.       

March 18th 2019

  • Minor UI updates and Atlassian API changes for GDPR compatibility.

January 23rd 2019

  • Small UI update to include the time an activity was undertaken in the activity report for all activities, not just the ones in the last 24 hours.

titleReleases 2018

December 20th 2018

  • Page Workflows: If the space wide workflow is disabled, it will now be possible to select and enable a workflow on individual pages.

  • New transitions on QMS Workflow: You can now transition from the published state to "In Approval" or "Obsolete".
  • Workflow Template Autoupdate: When the workflow templates are updated (for example in this release adding new transitions to the QMS workflow) this change will apply immediately where this workflow is applied.  Space admins will no longer need to re-enable the workflow to get the updates.

September 6th 2018

  • New Quality Management System (QMS) Workflow. This workflow features:
    • Approvals with E-Signatures. Reviewers need to use their email and password to confirm their identity (this is a compliance requirement). The e-signature does not work with SAML SSO yet. Due to the large amount of identity providers, we will progressively support SAML SSO based on our customers’ demand.
    • Approvers as Space Parameters. Admins can set a list of users or groups as Controlled Document Approvers. 

  • Several bugs fixed and UI improvements.

August 2th 2018

  • New user picker in the byline section.
  • Improved the Report Section, adding support for more workflow states.
  • Minor UI bug fixed.

May 7th 2018

Comala Approvals becomes Comala Workflows Lite:

  • Workflows Lite now supports selecting from different workflows to enable on your space.  Initially there is the existing Basic Approval Workflow that was part of the previous Approvals product.  The first new workflow you can select from is a Content Expiry Workflow that will transition pages to an expired state after a designated time.
  • We have also made some updates to the user interface to reflect the most recent design changes in Confluence.

Apr 17th 2018

  • If a page has permission restrictions that prevents Comala Approvals we will attempt to add the Comala Approvals user to the page permission restrictions automatically.
  • Fixed My Pending Approvals report to display the green checkmark when the user approves.
  • Several minor UI improvements including some updates to match the latest Atlassian design guidelines.

Feb 26th 2018

  • Administrators can now remove all the approvals history in a page.
  • Fixed an issue related to adding reviewers to a page.

Jan 30th 2018

  • Added pagination support for Approvals Report. 
  • Fixed an issue that sent emails with broken links to pages waiting review.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented approvals from working after a page was migrated to a different space.
  • Minor UI issues.

Jan 10th 2018

  • Bugfix Report when Space has numbers on ID 
  • Changed Node version to 6.11.5
  • Minor UI issues

titleReleases 2017

Oct 23 2017

  • Fixed an issue related to e-mail notifications.
  • Minor UI issues.

Oct 10 2017

  • Internal server improvements.
  • Minor UI issues.

Sept 21 2017

  • Administrators can now remove Approval history from a space.
  • Minor UI issues.

Jun 22 2017

  • Minor UI issues.

May 17 2017

Approvals now allows users to view the published page as well as the updated version before being approved toggling through links: View approved links to the approved version, and View pending approval links to the version under review.

April 19 2017

  • UI tweaks to improve speed.

February 22 2017

A new optional field to provide a message to all the assignees has been added to the Assign step; this message will be added to the notification email.

  • Fixed bug where email notifications were not sent to all the reviewers assigned.
  • Minor UI improvements

February 2 2017

Multiple reviewers for a page can now be assigned in one single operation by entering them in a text field. Just start typing the user name in the field the the name will auto complete. 2 characters have to be entered to start the search. Users that have been assigned as reviewers already won't be displayed in the auto complete options.

January 26 2017

The latest version of Comala Approvals features a significant update to how Approvals handles user activity. Specifically, Approvals now includes OAUTH user impersonation on all back-end operations. This resolves some existing issues and adds new functionality:

  • Eliminates most add-on user permission problems

  • Webhook transitions are now accurately ascribed to the user who triggered the event

  • Improved permissions validation

As this update includes changes to user permissions, it must be installed manually by the Confluence Administrator; the update will not roll out automatically. Click "update" in the Add-on manager and a pop-up will prompt you to accept and update; if you accept the update the new version of the add-on will be installed on your cloud instance instantly.

January 19 2017

  • Minor bug fixes

titleReleases 2016

November 30 2016

  • Fixed a bug where character encoding was causing display issues.

November 22 2016

  • Email notifications to assignees (and unassigned users)
  • Bug fix for disabled spaces to prevent already open pages from being approved.

November 9 2016

  • Improve the way the status display is dynamically updated.
