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Managing a snapshot in a space


A snapshot document can be moved to a collection, linked to a collection or removed from a collection listed in the space tools snapshot publishing dashboard.

The space administrator can manage existing snapshots in a collection using the snapshot document menu

  • move an existing snapshot from a collection

  • link an existing snapshot to another collection

  • remove the snapshot from the collection

The space administrator can also set the hierarchical position of the snapshot within a collection when moving or linking a snapshot to a new collection

For a listed collection in the dashboard a space administrator can manage the collection settings - manage collection user view and contributor permissions; remove the collection link to the space; delete the collection - using the collection ellipsis menu options.

Manage existing snapshots in a collection

The space administrator can manage existing snapshots in a collection using the snapshot document ellipsis menu for each snapshot.

Click a collection name to list the snapshots in the collection.

Open the ellipsis menu and choose

  • Link to to link the snapshot to one or more additional collections

  • Move to to add the snapshot to another collection (and remove from the current collection)

  • Remove from collection to remove from the current collection

Snapshot hierarchy in a collection

The snapshot ellipsis menu Move to option can be used to change the hierarchy of a snapshot in an existing collection.

The Link to and Move to options can be used to add the snapshot as the child of an existing snapshot in the collection.

Link a snapshot

A snapshot can be linked to an additional collection linked to the space using the Link to option.

In Link to dialog box to

  • choose the collection

  • choose the hierarchical location within the collection

If the selected collection has no existing snapshots, the hierarchical location for the snapshot must be to the root of the chosen collection.

Succesful linking of the snapshot is confirmed in a on-screen notification.

The snapshot can be viewed in the additional collection.


Linking a snapshot to a new collection does not remove the snapshot from the current collection.

Move a snapshot

A snapshot can be moved to a collection linked to the space using the Move to option.

In the Move to dialog box set the destination collection

  • choose the collection

  • choose the hierarchical location within the collection

Choosing an existing snapshot in the collection - HR Policy - moves the snapshot to be a child of this snapshot document.

Successful moving of the snapshot is confirmed in a on-screen notification.

The snapshot is added to the collection as a child of the chosen parent snapshot, HR Policy.

Remove a snapshot

The Remove from collection option opens a dialog box to confirm.

If the snapshot is removed from a collection and it is not present in another collection

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